Thilli$$$ pitches DREAM ACT – lite

We heard all about how aggressively he was going to attack ObamaCare when he ran in 2014.  We’ve seen none of that, but he’s fallen all over himself to please his masters at The Chamber and The Farm Bureau:

Two Republican senators introduced a slimmed-down version of the Dream Act on Monday, hoping to offer a slightly more conservative option to grant a pathway to citizenship to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

The legislation, from Sens. James Lankford of Oklahoma and Thom Tillis of North Carolina, appears to break with a number of the principles President Trump laid out, including still allowing chain migration while including no new security measures.[…]

*Yeah.  Sticking it TO Trump.  That’s definitely not something Kay Hagan would have done — right? (Um, right?)*


[…] Instead the bill, which the senators have dubbed the Succeed Act, grants a long, multi-tiered path to citizen that requires illegal immigrants to prove they’re holding down a job, are pursuing a higher education or are in the military in order to stay in the program.

So, these guys are OK with letting people into the military, which requires swearing an oath of loyalty to this country and its Constitution, who can’t be bothered to legally become citizens — which ALSO involves swearing loyalty to the country and The Constitution ???

[…]They would be protected from deportation from the beginning, but could only move on to permanent legal status if they continued to meet benchmarks, including paying taxes and proving they haven’t landed on the public dole. […]

Gee, I thought that was the stuff we were already doing, which — by the wayain’t working.

[…]That is tougher than other proposals already floating around.

“We’ve got to set a high bar and send a clear message that people wanting to come to this country should do it legally,” Mr. Tillis said.

*Okay.  You broke our laws once.  Don’t do it again, OK?*  (Yep.  TOUGH.)

[…]The legislation could apply to more than 1 million illegal immigrants, he said.

The senators said they believe their bill “deters future illegal immigration” and prevents chain migration” — though it was not clear how it would achieve those.

The bill would allow illegal immigrant Dreamers to apply for a conditional five-year legal immigrant status, while they go to school, join the workforce or serve in the military.

As long as they clear that hurdle, pay taxes and keep a relatively clean criminal record, they can earn a second conditional five-year status. At the end of that, they could apply for full legal permanent residency — a green card — and five years after that could apply for citizenship.

The legislation would delay the point at which Dreamers could sponsor family, but once they are full citizens they could still petition for legal status for their parents — often the very people who brought them to the U.S. illegally in the first place.

It’s unclear how the bill fits into the developing debate over Dreamers.

Already, several bipartisan versions that are slightly more generous have been introduced.

But GOP leaders — including House Speaker Paul D. Ryan — have said any bill must go beyond mere legal status, and also include security and enforcement measures that would prevent another wave of illegal immigrants in the future.

Mr. Lankford said they don’t see the bill as a stand-alone, calling it “designed to fit into other pieces” that would include security.

Mr. Trump has gone even further, saying earlier this month that the eventual solution should block chain migration.

The Lankford-Tillis legislation does, however, underscore the appetite among many Republicans to figure a way to grant Dreamers full citizenship rights.

Long the most sympathetic figures in the immigration debate, many Dreamers are deeply invested in the U.S., including having attended top colleges and graduate programs, or served in the military. They are usually seen as blameless victims of their parents’ decisions — which is why allowing them to be the anchors for their parents to eventually claim legal status irks those who want to see an immigration crackdown..[…]