Will KANE be ABLE to take down Michael Whatley?
What had appeared to be a cakewalk reelection for incumbent NC Republican Party chairman Michael Whatley is now looking like a prime-time Grade-A slugfest.
Raleigh’s John Kane – scion of the Raleigh-based Kane Realty commercial real estate empire – is tossing his hat in the ring for chairman of The North Carolina Republican Party.
Kane, an NC State alumnus and former Wolfpack football player, is an accomplished entrepreneur who also has substantial experience in the world of private equity. His father, also named John, has a long, distinguished record as a prolific fundraiser for North Carolina Republicans.
In an interview with The Haymaker this week, the younger Kane says his father’s long-time political involvement helped teach him about politics and inspire him to get involved.
Kane pointed out a number of concerns he has with the Whatley era at the NCGOP helm.
Fundraising. Kane points out that, for the 2021-2022 cycle, the Republican National Committee gave more money to the NCGOP than North Carolinians did.
Devotion to the RNC and DC. Donald Trump and his team had ‘America First’ as a slogan. Kane suggests that the NCGOP under Whatley has been guided by the slogan ‘Ronna First.’
Kane points out that polling showed less than 6% of likely Republican voters thought Ronna Romney should be reelected as RNC chairman. Major donors to the RNC were even calling for her replacement. Despite all that, Kane noted, Whatley and our two RNC committeemen went to the RNC convention and voted to reelect Ms. Romney.
Whatley will be seeking reelection as state party chairman while serving as the RNC’s general counsel.
Kane identified a number of areas he’d like to target as chairman.
Battling Election Fraud. Kane says there is a serious problem in Raleigh with talking tough about election fraud, but doing little or nothing about it:
“We need to train, equip, and assist Republican nominees to county election boards. The NCGOP Chairman is responsible for nominating people to the North Carolina State Board of Elections to serve on County Boards of Elections.
Each County Board of Elections consists of five members – three from the party of the sitting Governor and two from the other party. Whether we are in the majority or the minority, members of each County Board of Elections are in the best position to ensure existing statutes are being followed, to alert the NCGOP of any nefarious actions, and to ensure that Republicans are fully represented in the staffing of each precinct. ”
Make the NCGOP financially independent. Kane noted that – in the Whatley era – the NCGOP has become financially dependent on the RNC:
” No person or organization can serve two masters.
If the NCGOP is going to be a party that serves its members, it cannot be financially beholden to any single organization or individual, be it the RNC or someone else. In no way does that mean the NCGOP should not work closely with the RNC where our interests are aligned – of course we should and we will. However, we cannot allow NCGOP leadership to be in a position where it must choose between the will of its members and the agenda of a financial sponsor whom we are overly reliant upon.
Going forward we will grow revenues by setting a bold agenda and working systematically – providing transparency to our donors – to achieve our goals. Large and small dollar donors alike are more apt to give at greater frequency and in larger amounts if they see that we are doing what we said we would do.
We will develop and implement a donor reporting system. By transparently showing donors how their money is being effectively put to work, many will be willing to provide additional financial support.
There are 2,221,179 registered Republicans in North Carolina. In the 2021-22 fundraising cycle 5,357 individuals in North Carolina, or 0.24% of Republicans, contributed to the NCGOP. We will broaden our donor base by building out the infrastructure for small dollar donations so that as we earn the trust of Republicans across the state they can seamless support our efforts in any increment. ”
Hold Republican Officeholders Accountable.
”Nowhere other than politics is it accepted, let alone expected, that the people we elect will fail to do what they said they would do. A blind acceptance that diversity of thought within the Republican party is an asset is just as foolish as the Democrats’ unwavering unity. Diversity of thought within our party is indeed an asset, but not at the expense of the core tenets of our platform.
No business would allow an employee who intentionally subverted one of its core objectives to remain in its employ. Similarly, the NCGOP does not serve its members by standing idly by or – worse – running cover for, politicians who abandon the party platform to which they committed when running for office. Going forward, the NCGOP will use all the tools at its disposal to ensure Republican officials keep their word to the party and the voters. ”
Close Republican Primaries.
Kane is a fan of the concept of having “skin in the game”:
”The idea that voters who are not members of the Republican party deserve a say in who represents the Republican Party is no different than giving so called ‘stakeholders’ in a company the right to vote on company matters alongside its shareholders. If a stakeholder of a Corporation wants the right to vote on Company business, that stakeholder must become a shareholder. Similarly, if an unaffiliated voter wants to vote in a Republican primary, that voter is welcome to join the Republican Party.
The idea that closed primaries disenfranchise unaffiliated or independent voters is hogwash. Any such voter is registered with or without a Party by their own free will. If someone feels disenfranchised, or that it is unfair that tax dollars are being expended to operate an election in which they cannot participate – that individual can remedy the situation by joining either party of their choosing.”
Fully Staff Every Precinct Statewide. Kane said it appears the NCGOP has been failing at the basic legwork needed at the most local levels:
The General Statutes call for an equal number of registered Republicans and Democrats to serve as paid poll workers in every precinct. The statute provides that if the County Chairman of the Republican, and Democratic Party, respectively nominate individuals to their County Board of Elections to serve as Election Judges and Election Assistants those individuals must be placed.
Historically, the NCGOP has completely failed to make even any effort to achieve poll worker parity. This failure is not lack of funding or strategy – it is a function of failed leadership and a lack of will to do the most basic blocking and tackling of defending our elections.
Kane provides some stats from the 2022 elections for everyone to ‘chew on’ and consider for a while:
- Sixty-four percent of precincts disproportionately staffed by Democrats;
- A little more than 30 percent of precincts staffed by ONE Republican;
- A little more than seventeen percent of precincts had NO Republican judge;
- Nearly eight percent of precincts had NO Republican workers;
Withdraw from ERIC. We wrote earlier about ERIC, as well as a recent effort on Jones Street to cancel the authorization for North Carolina to participate. Here is Kane’s take:
”ERIC is presented as a non-partisan organization whose mission is to assist states with voter roll accuracy. The truth is that ERIC was initially funded by radical, left-wing groups including George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trust for the purpose of manipulating voter roll data for the exclusive benefit of Democrats. Today, ERIC is closely tied to Mark Zuckerberg’s Center for Election Innovation and Research – one of the two entities he funneled nearly half a billion dollars through to help steal the 2020 Presidential Election from Donald J. Trump.”
Proactive Lawfare. Kane says the NCGOP needs to stand ready to knock heads with liberals and their lawyers efforts in court to “adjust” elections more to their liking. He says the NCGOP needs to be ready to fight against the left’s courtroom tactics.
NCGOP officers will be elected at the party’s state convention in Greensboro on June 8. All senior officers will serve a two-year term. Incumbent Susan Mills will be seeking reelection to the state vice-chairman post. She will be challenged for reelection by Cabarrus County GOP chairman Abdul Ali.
I couldn’t be happier about this announcement. John Kane is a serious candidate with a fresh agenda and plan for the NCGOP. He brings to the party a strong sense of accountability to the base rather than to establishment wing federales like Thom Tillis. This announcement will lift the spirits of grassroots Republicans all over the state. Kane will have enormous support going into the state convention, despite his opponent’s manipulative cancellation of district conventions. John Kane will lead a genuine team effort to bring bonafide election integrity operations into the North Carolina GOP, something we sorely need.
Great news! NOW I will probably attend the NCGOP convention.
Herchel , I am right behind you.
Beth Privette
Whatley is a long time Tillis ally and needs to be retired from the chairmanship. Tillis even came down from Washington to Whatley’s press conference in Raleigh announcing he was running for chairman again. Whatley is stalling on calling a state executive committee meeting because he knows a censure resolution on Tillis will come up, even though not calling that meeting means he is spending party money illegally because he does not have an approved party budget. Whatley would rather play games with party finances than risk a censure of Tillis, and that is NOT what we need as a party chairman.
Tillis is looking at running for governor in 2024, so it is essential for the other two candidates to remove Tillis frontman Whatley from control of the party organization so that he will not try to put his thumb on the scales in the primary.
Say NO to Tillis by saying NO to Whatley.
It is time for change at the NCGOP! We have watched utter chaos across so many counties due to the lack of strong leadership by Whatley. The “yes and yes” approach of Whatley has failed our grassroots and local GOP leaders. Thank you for stepping up to run! Count me in to help in anyway I can! And be ready to hire a rockstar Executive Director!
Cabarrus County is a train wreck
Now I have to go to convention. Sigh.
I wouldn’t miss voting against Whatley if I had to walk across shards of glass on fire.
This is the best news I’ve heard in a long time. The Tillis-Whatley control of the NC GOP must be brought to an end! The stakes are too high to allow these traitors to the conservative cause to control our party apparatus.
I am not getting into the chair race and I know lots of folks will disagree with my perspective on this but I will mention something I believe important.
In 1987 the NCGOP became the first party to welcome unaffiliated into primary voting.
Since that time voters registered UNA have constantly (but not always) won by successful statewide GOP candidates.
Contrary to popular myth, UNA voters who vote in Republican primaries are no more or less conservative that folks Registered R.
The reason for registering as UNA is mostly not a “political” decision it is because many in society are not affiliating with any groups.
Non denominational churches are sky rocketing in membership while Denominational church membership is dropping. People are not joining the Jaycees, The Lions and other civic organizations.
Second: of the UNA voters that voted in the 2016 GOP primary, 75% of them voted for Trump in the General election irrespective of they supported Trump in the primary.
If you tell UNA they can’t vote in the GOP primary but the Dems say they can,, then we will lose so many by forcing them out we will lose close state wide elections.
Two other quick points. This issue to close the primaries has come up at the state convention several times and is soundly defeated. Every single time.
I also believe if the NCGOP were to attempt to change this, the GOP legislature would step in and pass a law changing it back. They can do that as long as the state pays for and conducts the primary
Our RINO leadership in the General Assembly has given us the absurd 30% threshhold for a majority to win a primary. Couple that with non-Republicans voting in the primary, and it makes it too easy to hijack a party nomination. It ought to go back to 50% plus 1, but at least to 40%. This was done in one of those sneaky backroom last minute “committee substitutes” that swampy RINOs Berger and Moore so often use when they want to screw the party base.
As long as we have the ridiculous 30% threshold, it becomes essential to close the primary. Also as long as the Senate caucus uses resources like the party mailing permit in primaries, then the party organization ought to be able to endorse in primaries, too.
Primaries are a joke when you allow NC REPUBLICANS to write in after the primaries with such a low threshold. In our county, a Republican needed 100 signatures to challenge a Republican that won the primary and was on the ballot. The threshold for UNA is 2000. What a joke.
This has become an alarming issue across NC. Who needs to change to UNA to undermine the party? We are allowing it from within. Focus on the low hanging fruit since the NCGOP isn’t.
“Many of us would prefer that Dallas Woodhouse spread his establishment-wing brand of Republicanism around his new found home in the SC Low Country and stay away from North Carolina politics- where he and his ‘grandpa’ have already done enough damage. Open primaries brought rampant unaffiliated registration across our fair state, center-left republicans winning our primaries, and tens of millions in out-of-state funding from leftist mega donors who think North Carolina is a “purple” state that can be won each general election. Republican primaries that are open to unaffiliated voters are delivering broad disaffection within the NCGOP and many of our state leaders. Open primaries have driven many grassroots conservatives to the political sidelines. And Open primaries have driven the percentage of registered republicans in our state to a new low in modern history. Do not swallow the crap that country club republicans are dishing out. The preference for closing the primaries is a litmus test for separating truly conservative Republicans in the Old North State from the pretenders.”
Dallas, surely you jest. You got “into the chair race” by arguing against closed Republican primaries. John Kane, candidate for NCGOP Chair, supports closed Republican primaries, unlike Michael Whatley, current chair. The NCGOP needs closed primaries, especially when voters are encouraged to switch party affiliation to vote in primaries and switch back for general elections.
NCGOP needs new leadership that follows the Plan of Organization and the Platform. I support John Kane for Chair of the North Carolina Republican Party.
Evelyn Poole-Kober
UNA voters become UNA voters because they are conservatives disgusted with YOUR party!!! They have no problem with the Republican Party platform. It’s the people who are running the party that are the problem and that’s who we do not support. We have been calling for the closing of primaries for that very reason. Your party needs new leadership from DC down to the states level. As long as you continue to ignore and kick to the curb the the true grassroots conservative patriots, we will continue to be unaffiliated voters. Your party has demonstrated over and over again that it does not embrace us and we are the backbone and the activists of the conservative movement. You and the rest of your RINO cohorts need to go.
Jane, I switched from Unaffiliated to Republican just in time to get elected as the Precinct Chair in my Hoopers Creek community in Henderson County. Things are changing for the better in Henderson County.
I wanted to be able to do SOMETHING to save our country. I already have people who are going to change from Unaffiliated to Republican so they can also make a change.
We need you on our side, Jane!
I have already signed up for the State Convention.
Thanks Kathy. I wish more people thought like you. I recently attended my county convention. Unfortunately, those “Republicans” that hate conservative people’s guts now have a tighter chokehold on our county than ever. So many of our local conservatives have gone Unaffiliated. The ones that have not oftentimes will not go to precinct meetings, because they don’t want to associate with the scum that are there. I try to tell those lazy cowardly knot heads that they can change all that by holding their noses and attending a precinct meeting once every two years just to vote. Without that help decent people are always one or two votes from being able to keep the hateful crooks and Democrats in drag from running the show and banning conservatives outright. It’s good to hear conservatives in your part of the state are smarter than that.
One other part:
……” Whether we are in the majority or the minority, members of each County Board of Elections are in the best position to ensure existing statutes are being followed, to alert the NCGOP of any nefarious actions, and to ensure that Republicans are fully represented in the staffing of each precinct.
The first 2 parts of this (above) are true
“and to ensure that Republicans are fully represented in the staffing of each precinct.. ”
A BOE member can’t actually do that under the law. BOE members can’t engage in partisan activity under the law.
This is of course is a very very critical function but it can’t be done by a BOE member
There is nothing that precludes a member of a County Board of Elections from provide updates to the County Chairman and NCGOP as to status of precinct staffing, the assignments of nominated poll workers (or lack thereof if nominations have not been made). That information allows a County Chairman to ensure they make all of the nominations necessary ensure Republicans are fully represented and lets the NCGOP serve as a backstop to be able to step in and help a County Chair who for whatever reason is struggling to find individuals to nominate to serve as poll workers and judges.
John: are you on social media? If so, where can we find you?
There will be a motion from the floor at the Forsyth County GOP Convention on 3/25/23 to censure US Senator Thom Tillis due to his disregard of the party platform with his votes on various bills.
I hope Tillis will be barred from showing his face at the state convention.
With Whatley on the throne, don’t hold your breath on that, but Tillis is a coward and usually submits videos instead of showing up himself. Tillis ought to get the treatment Romney got at his state convention and be booed. Even if it is just the usual video, it needs to be booed and loudly. Let the media present pick up on it.
Speaking of the convention, if we want an honest vote count, we need to dump any rule involving any electronic voting. Paper ballots in the counties and a role call of the counties creates transparency and honesty. We do not need some junior offshoot of Dominion handling voting for chairman.
We need more passionate young people like John Kane to revitalize the GOP. He makes some excellent points. The old foggies who run the Wake and NC GOP are no match for the Democratic Machine. We need to broaden our reach and better use technology to educate young voters and minorities that the GOP is the only party that stands for individual rights against the overwhelming power of Woke corporations, banks, big pharma, and media and technology conglomerates as well as the education establishment that are in the pockets of the Democrats .
So happy to hear this news! I like all of what he says here especially the part about adhering to the platform of the party. Count me on board !
Despite their bloviating about saving NC’s 2020 elections from fraud, Whatley’s RNC/NCGOP investment in Election Integrity resulted in poorly trained poll observers, paid RNC hacks lecturing that we’re a “purple” state, and abandonment of county party chairs who sat helplessly as local election officials packed the precincts with as many Democrats as they could find.
John Kane’s engagement with GOP “leaders,” Whatley and Williams, over that last point exposed their cynical indifference to partisan balance at the polls.
Change is long overdue.
It will give me Great Pleasure to Vote Whatley OUT! So sick of his lies and power trips!
One disgusting power play of Whatley’s was getting rid of the district conventions next month. The reason Whatley orchestrated that was that district conventions have traditionally been a major venue for candidates for state party offices to campaign, and Whatley wanted to deny that to an opponent.
Whatley did that by blatant violation of the state GOP Plan of Organization, and he announced for chairman the very day after he conned the Central Committee majority to going along with him. His handpicked General Counsel must have been ashamed of kowtowing to Whatley’s machinations because he resigned immediately after helping Whatley kill the district conventions.
Whatley has concentrated way too much power in his own hands and if he is not voted out, he will use that power to help his political ally Thom Tillis try to get the gubenatorial nomination.
We surely need some fresh faces at NCGOP leadership. Mr Kane is THE real deal. He talks the talk and walks the walk. I’m confident he can provide consistent and effective leadership statewide ! Elect John Kane.
I totally agree the primary threshold should go back to 40%
The threshold needs to return to 40%
Really pleased to hear Whatley has an opponent, and John Kane is NOT a politician! We need more business leaders that love North Carolina and America in the NCGOP and RNC. I’m an unaffiliated voter and will NOT join the Republican party until I see big changes in the party. Whatley, Tillis, Burr are and have been a total disgrace. I’m not holding my breath on Ted Budd either, way too many establishments’ Republicans in NC. They’re not representing their constituents.
One other thing. Just so you are aware the RNC money thing is a little more complicated. That money is night a straight up donation to the state party. It is more of an accounting/campaign finance issue. That money goes to pay field staff and door knockers that the RNC mostly manages.. THE NC GOP is mostly a pass through
It had also been the case for decades that RNC money to the NCGOP always spikes in major election years.
If anyone has critiques on fundraising in general that is a different issue. But at the end of the day the NCGOP exists to turn out its voters and that money pays for much of that.
Jim: I thought we were past the nastiness
Go ahead and present a resolution to close the primary’s at the State Convention. I am certain it will come nowhere close to the 2/3rds majority to pass
Jim speaks the Truth…… you are the one that is the problem
Dallas, Jim, is it possible to include closed primaries into the plan of organization?
It would go in the Party Platform not the Plan of Org
Didn’t Dallas favor the 30% threshold just a short time ago – something about cost savings. By the way, the threshold should be 50% plus one if we’re about credibility. That’s a start, but NC GOP has lots of credibility issues.
So I don’t recall ever being for the 30% threshold, but as I recall we only went to 30% Because of redistricting or something
But it was not suppose to be permanent as I recall
So yes you could amend the plan of organization or the convention could vote to do it.
However the legislature has the utmost authority unless the party decided to move to a primary or a caucus that the NCGOP pays to conduct
The 30% threshold is an incumbent protection measure, which is why our corrupt “leadership” snuck it through as a last minute backdoor “committee substitute”, the way they always do liberal legislation that screws the GOP base. That way, almost noone finds out about it until the scam is complete.
Dallas- I am so past the nastiness. Truthfully. What I am NOT past is the fact you and Grandpa expended an enormous amount of energy (and thousands of wasted manhours of Exec Cmte time) convening a disciplinary hearing against 5 grassroots Patriots from Haywood County way back on Nov 11, 2017– Veterans Day. (Their principal crimes were being creative with Jib Jab videos and for criticizing elected Republicans for voting like democrats.) Two of those Patriots were VETERANS. Several of us pleaded for the NCGOP to leave this matter to the county and district, but you and Grandpa just had to show these Patriots how powerful you can be. Four of them could not be there and were found guilty of trumped up Party Disloyalty charges in the ExCom’s Kangaroo Court: https://dailyhaymaker.com/ncgop-a-split-decision-on-the-haywood-five/
One of those veteran Patriots died of heart failure not long thereafter. The three others who were found guilty have never been restored to the Party’s rank and file, even after 5+ years of punishment- a violation of the NCGOP Plan of Organization. They remain under threat of trespass because of correspondence from your office. To this day these Patriots are bitter conservatives and that county remains severely divided. NCGOP’s unnecessary meddling is what what frustrates a party’s grassroots base. And we thought the House J6 Committee was over the top….
Jim, Your post about the trial of the Haywood County Five for party disloyalty, reminded me of the April 30, 2016, NCGOP Executive Committee’s kangaroo court to remove Hasan Harnett, the newly elected NCGOP Chair, from his post. Harnett was found guilty of violating the Plan of Organization and acts of gross inefficiency.
Later, the same Executive Committee elected ex-chairman Robin Hayes of Concord to fill the rest of Harnett’s two-year term.
As a member of the Executive Committee, I attended both of these kangaroo courts and am proud that I voted against the conviction of Hasan Harnett and the Haywood Five.
Thank you, Jim Womack, for standing up and speaking for Harnett and the Haywood Five.
Evelyn Poole-Kober
Jim: I respect your feelings on that. I recall it differently that when the local party acted they forced it to the state. I also wish it had played out differently. It all sucked.
I should correct something about closing the primary’s.
While I do think you can change the plan of organization to close the primary ‘s (PERHAPS)
There is some question about that. I think the law passed in the 1980’s actually refers to the party’s Executive Committee.
I was the NCGOP Executive Committee that made the change in 1987 and it had stuck ever since
Isn’t the executive committee charged with not only adhering to, but also executing the plan of organization? What I’m asking is, isn’t it true that the executive committee isn’t “above the law” so to speak? Isn’t it true that the executive committee doesn’t have the ability to overrule The Plan of Organization? Don’t you agree with that interpretation?
I disagree that the party platform puke be the place where the change would need to be made. The governing document is The Plan of Organization. Would t you agree?
Let’s be honest. By law, closing the primaries is a function of the NCGOP Executive Committee. Through great manipulation by Dallas Woodhouse (then ED), Robin Hayes (then Chair), and then subsequently by Michael Whatley (current Chair) and his Resolutions Committee shill the primaries have had no chance of being closed to unaffiliated voters. Every year for 10 years many of us grassroots conservatives have offered sound resolutions to close the GOP primaries. The manipulations of our leaders have canceled those resolutions, often even before they reach the convention’s Resolutions Committee. Mr. Woodhouse is being disengenuous by claiming the resolution gets beaten down at his contrived conventions (nearly always scheduled during the busiest weekend in June and priced to keep rank and file republicans away, catering to the country club wing of the party). Therefore, the opportunity to close the primaries is destined for failure. Since the ExCom is prevented from meeting (last one with a quorum was held in late May 2022), it has no chance of voting to close the primaries, which is required by law. Chairman Whatley has publicly announced his opposition to closing primaries and holding elected officials accountable to the party’s platform. Therefore, he is in no hurry to convene an ExCom meeting- which itself is a violation of our Plan of Org. He is even operating without a budget at present. Truthfully, the only way to get the party back on solid conservative grounds is to muster a conservative majority at our state convention, throw out the establishment wing leaders at NCGOP District and State levels, then pass a resolution to close our primaries and build a Plan of Org that is a business plan, rather than a country club charter, This kind of grassroots takeover has occurred in other states recently, and it is possible it could happen here as well. John Kane may well be the catalyst for making that happen. For that reason, he has my full support and that of our grassroots base.
Jim Womack is EXCELLENT!!! Please run for Vice-Chair!
If you want great support for closed primaries look at Florida. They have had closed primaries for decades. They have had a Republican Governor since 1998. NC has had just four years with a GOP Governor in that same time.
Also, Republicans are number one in Florida by an over 400,000 voter margin.
In NC, Republicans are number three and trail the number one category (UNA voters) by 400,000.
This is an opportunity to vote against Traitor Thom Tillis. By voting against the Establishment wing of the GOP you are sending a message to others that, us Conservatives, will not stand idly while they continue to undermine our principles. All who support Tillis are either extremely naive, borderline Democrats or actual Quislings. We should absolutely NOT be a big tent. We are Conservatives who are trying to win back our State and Nation from our enemies who hate everything we believe in like, God, Family and limited government. We should have no room in the tent for fence sitters.