Tillis: Biden on right track with amnesty, but needs to do MORE
Yep. That’s our alleged Republican senior senator at work. The word on the street among the RINO community is that Tillis is not planning to run again — that he is actually walking away from politics altogether. I’ll believe it when I see it.
If that does turn out the case, he just needs to quit now. Thumbing your nose at your voters — knowing you don’t have to face them again – is low-class to the nth degree. (But look who we’re talking about here.)
On one hand, I can see a plus in him waiting. If he steps down now, Roy Cooper would appoint his replacement. A Dem could hold the seat Tillis currently holds until 2026. But what difference would it make? Would the voting record be much different? The GOP already is a 51-49 minority. Why not 52-48 for a few years?
Here’s ThT waxing poetically to The drive-bys about amnesty and his president:
[…] “ I’d like to see Biden lean in a little bit more,” Tillis said. “Some of the policy proposals he’d made are a step in the right direction, but they’re far short of getting across the goal line.”
Sooooo — Old Joe is taking “a step in the right direction” on amnesty for illegal aliens, eh?
Show of hands — Who voted FOR THIS in 2014 or 2020?
But, wait. There was MORE:
[…] Asked why immigration continued to be such a difficult issue for lawmakers to address, Tillis said it was “a politically charged issue” and that “It has to be a balanced approach. We do have people from the far left that think all we should do is provide amnesty and leave the borders open. That’s a non-starter,” he said. “We have people at the other end of the spectrum that only want to seal the border but not address the issues with future flows that are also very, very important.” Tillis said.[…]
If you seal the border, enforce the existing laws, and make people follow the process, what are THE ISSUES? Where is the problem?
By the way — We’re approaching the 25 percent mark in terms of the number of NC counties that have voted to censure Thom Tillis. Moore County is coming on January 28. I am hearing of others coming soon. If your county has yet to do it, get to work.
Do you have a list of counties that voted to censure? Do you have a copy of a censure resolution for those counties that voted to censure? At the December meeting, Chatham County GOP voted not to participate in the censure of Thom Tillis.
Hello! If you follow the NC GOP County Chairs page on Facebook, you can see copies of county specific censures. We are up to 20 or so counties that have voted to censure Tillis. Dare County just censured last week! It is critical for counties to understand this censure gives them the power to block Tillis from attending GOP events, having his campaign materials in their offices, etc… Tillis is positioning himself for a gubernatorial run and the ONLY way we have any power during the primary is a censure prior to. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!
Headline 1.16.23 in The Washington Post — “Thom Tillis emerges as a bi-partisan deal maker. He is willing to find compromise.” With supporting quotes by Paul Shumaker on how this will “help him in a very purple state.”
Tillis is running for Governor. Get ready for this and the censures now will give every participating county the ability to keep him from all their events, meetings and his materials out of their offices. The NCGOP Plan of Organization prevents counties from having any power during a primary and the censure is our ONLY opportunity!
Tillis will push amnesty in the Senate with Durbin and Sinema. He will continue to work with Mitt and Susan Collins. We did NOT elect him to “find compromise” with the left while he abandons the RIGHT!
“Compromise” in the Democrat political lexicon means a total sellout to their position and that is exactly what “Traitor Thom” Tillis is doing. Tillis is what is sometimes called a “Vichy Republican” by a few of the writers over at Red State, meaning a collaborator with the enemy (after the pro-Nazi puppet Vichy regime in WWII France). There are probably other appropriate terms like “Benedict Arnold Republican” or “Biden Republican”.
Tillis would probably sink the whole GOP ticket because a whole lot of grassroots GOP voters are determined never to hold their nose for this despicable scoundrel ever again. Some will just not vote in that race, and some will cast a protest vote for a Libertarian, but many will just stay home in disgust.
An Amnesty Whore like Tillis is not only anti-Republican but anti-American.