The Pinehurst Hot Mess: McInnis’ moratorium crackdown passes Senate, heads to House

The ‘Terrible Trio’ currently running things in Pinehurst has been thrown for a loop.  They’ve successfully weaponized the concept of perpetual building moratoriums to stifle any and all development within The Village of Pinehurst.  Consequently,  landowners in the affected areas who followed all the applicable planning and zoning rules have been restricted to doing little more than paying property taxes.  

State senator Tom McInnis intervened in the situation and introduced a local bill limiting the village government’s power regarding moratoriums:


Once this bill passes the House, all existing moratoria in the village are kaput. All future moratoria are limited to a maximum of 60 days.  The bill also gives landowners and the public more say in the process.  All of this becomes law once it clears both houses of the General Assembly.

(Ain’t democracy grand?)