The Kane Ultimatum

Never mind all of the chaos and confusion, division and anger resulting from Saturday’s sham election in Greensboro.  The Whatleyites are popping champagne corks and giggling at the “fringe” types.

Chairman candidate John Kane has issued a video documenting his effort to try and salvage something for the party from the Saturday mess.



In the video, Kane says he proposed five points for Whatley and his team:

  1.  Conduct a full investigation into the voting app that was usedtransparency on how it was financed, details on development and testing.  Kane noted that evidence exists showing voting occurred from locations in Wisconsin AND Florida, despite the party documents stating voting must be conducted in person at the convention. 
  2. Conduct a canvass of Saturday’s vote in order to instill some sort of confidence in the process.  In addition to some out-of-state and out-of-town voting, there is evidence registered GUESTS got to vote.  Spreadsheets released by the state party even show a 219-person undervote in the chairman’s race. WHY was there such indignance over the idea of paper ballots and a paper trail to document the vote?
  3. Allow Kane to identify three experts to oversee the inspection of the source code used in the state’s general election voting.  (According to Kane, this is allowed under the General Statutes but has been ignored by Whatley for four years.). Kane said Whatley opposed this.  Whatley reported conceded that Kane could pick one and Whatley could pick two.
  4. The NCGOP appropriate $100,000 — which Kane himself would match – to a legal fund for cleaning up the state’s voter rolls once and for all.   Whatley rejected this because his 2023-2024 budget reportedly just got approved Saturday. 
  5. Allow Kane to oversee a committee to ensure proper staffing of voting precincts across the state for 2024 and beyond. Whatley said Kane could HAVE this all to himself. 

In the video, Kane said Whatley described Saturday’s “election” as “done, final, closed and won’t be reopened again.”

Kane closes the video promising to “keep us posted on his next steps.”  (Do I smell lawyers? *Sniff, sniff.*)