Some advice for NCGOP



I know — I’m the last one they want advice from.  But they are making moves right now that — I believe — are helping a Democrat candidate tremendously.



So far,  I’ve seen TWO press releases in as many weeks from NCGOP HQ discussing state senator Jeff Jackson (D-Charlotte).  Apparently,  senator Jackson wants to move up to the big Senate in DC next year.

His problem?  Nobody knows who he is except for a small percentage of his Senate district and the folks who work on the Senate side of Jones Street.   Of course, there are also the people who follow his Twitter feed.  (Jeff loves to tweet.). A US Senate run is a state-wide thing, of course.


With the NCGOP writing attack releases against Jackson,  it practically invites the statewide media to start doing stories on him.  (That would be just fine with him.  Jeff LOVES himself, as well as TALKING about himself.)  At the very least,  it raises his name ID in drive-by newsrooms across the state.


Why give this guy free media?  Stop talking about him publicly.  (Unless he raises his head and says something really stupid that demands a response.  Be patient.  It’ll happen.)


In the meantime,  be combing through Jackson’s voluminous social media posts and screenshot, screenshot, screenshot.  Then, you archive, archive, archive.  Upon doing that, you should be well-stocked with “ammo” for when the right time comes.