#ncpol: NOT Everybody Loves Ted
Texas senator Ted Cruz (R) is one of the more popular political figures among American conservatives. But two of North Carolina’s
representatives in Washington have been showing the Texan a wee bit of disrespect. Last year, an aide to Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-9) — still employed by Crazy Uncle Bob, by the way — took to Facebook to mock the Texas Senator’s efforts to defund ObamaCare.
Lately, the Texas senator has been working with House conservatives to derail John Boehner’s CRomnibus travesty. This time, it’s Renee Ellmers (R-2) is jumping on the Trash Ted bandwagon:
[…] Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.) told CNN last week that “Senator Cruz needs to stay in the Senate. I think Senator Cruz wants to fan the flames here, but I think everyone here has become more savvy to his ways.” […]
Renee Ellmers — Useful idiot or useless idiot? You make the call.
Oh, to be represented by someone who is more concerned with us and the future of this country than with making John Boehner or Kevin McCarthy happy …
With Renee it doesn’t matter if the glass is half full or half empty, she is just an Idiot period!
Idiot. Just plain idiot. Now is the time to find her primary opponent for 2016.
It’s time to stop beating this dead RINO….True Conservative North Carolinians need to re-register as ‘Unaffiliate’ and stop donations to the GOP at all levels. Force them to come begging to you from now on for your money and your vote…and don’t give either until they first show you – through their actions- they can be trusted….that’s how you will return the Party, if it is possible, to consistently standing for our Conservative and Founding principals!
Elmers cruses through a second term… with an additional layer of Boehner on her nose
Ellmers is just Etheridge in a skirt. We need to use the primary to get a real Republican in that district.
Renee does not represent her constituents and never has. She holds us in contempt! Sad state of affairs of NC.