#ncpol: Harris nabs BIG family values endorse in NC-09
In their heated rematch from last cycle’s nail-biter, congressman Robert Pittenger and challenger Mark Harris have been bending over backwards to woo the district’s social conservatives and values voters.
Harris appears to have scored big with an endorsement from The NC Values Coalition — arguably the state’s largest and most effective lobby for the conservative social agenda:
Since the founding of our coalition, we have had the opportunity to closely work with Mark Harris on every pro-life and pro-family initiative our coalition has advanced in North Carolina. Mark Harris is a determined leader and tireless advocate for conservative family values. He is a man of action, not just empty rhetoric.
Because Mark has marched with us for the dignity of human life, stood with us to defend and protect marriage and the deeply-held religious beliefs of all North Carolinians, supported our efforts to
enforce long-standing privacy rights ensuring men and women use separate bathrooms and showers, and advocated for peace in the street with members of our coalition after the Charlotte riots, today the NC Values Coalition is privileged to endorse Mark Harris as the best candidate to represent our coalition members in the North Carolina’s 9th Congressional district.
As part of the NC Values Coalition endorsement, a new digital and television commercial began airing this morning and it can be viewed on YouTube.
NC Values Coalition is confident that Mark Harris is the best choice to protect strong family values and individual liberties while advocating for constitutional limited government. Once again, we are pleased to offer our endorsement of his candidacy.
Harris was put in the 2014 US Senate race by Hayes and Tammy Fitzgerald, not to beat Tillis, but to make sure Brannon did not win. Is this payment? Harris is on record for saying that there are some good parts of Obamacare ( look at the video of the 2014 debates) , just like Thills and every other primary candidate. Except, Brannon. Brannon was clear: an unconstitutional function can never have some “ good parts”. Harris talked a good game, but his actions were always establishment Republicans. In a race to stop Brannon, he supported Collins GOP chairman. He says he had character. Proving character in action is proof, not talk. If he had character, he would not help keep a constitutional conservative ( Brannon) out! He would study the Constitution, with constitutional answers, not his opinion. In his first speech in 2014, he said he is running for the common good, that’s not America! America is based on the individual, that makes society best! Brannon ran for America!
But where is Brannon when it comes to getting involved in State GOP activities….. Where was he in the fight to not let grandpa get reelected as chairman last year ?
and while I understand some of your past concerns I do not have them anymore and for sure when it comes to this race… NC and the 9th district would have someone to help make America great again when Harris wins on May 8th
Oh my! Are you kidding??? What has Greg Brannon been doing? What has Greg Brannon NOT been doing? He does more in a day than most of us will do in a lifetime.
He and his wife are raising 7 children, homeschooling the 3 youngest and running two medical/ surgical practices. He leads a weekly Bible study. He has a weekly radio show( Brannonbroadcast.com) on 106.7 in Wilmington as well as livestream on Facebook. He gives speeches on Liberty and constitutional answers to today’s unconstitutional policy across the country. He is fighting abortion, writing articles ,has over 100000 followers on Facebook and comments almost daily. He is holding the elected officials to the constitutional oath publicly.
He was never in the race for glory or power or fame. He was and is a a true Constitutional Conservative who has sacrificed more than we will ever know, for the fight for our Constitutional rights. It’s that very reason that Senators Lee and Paul endorsed Greg in the Senate race. He does not or will not sacrifice principles for party – ever! It’s Liberty or serfdom!
I know I can’t even wrap my brain around all that this man does to fight for my liberty and my freedom. So, when you ask, “what has Greg been doing?”, I know that you are truly living in the dark and need to wake up and see the light.
Brannon is not trying to fix a useless party structure, that can’t be fixed from the inside, but continue to educate on the true American Foundation- principles over party! That’s the only answer!
The party changed to 30% , to protect incumbents! What about putting on the ballot— Non of the above!
Harris is just another establishment Republican that will never change NC or America, only continue down our path of destruction! We need true believers and doers for Liberty! Where are the Patrick Henrys- Give me Liberty or give me death! Time for heroes., Harris is no hero!!
Harris , willing used by the establishment to not just keep a true constitutional conservative out, but put in a real progressive, Tillis, is your answer to help America- not just sad, insane!!
did you cut and paste that from the last time you defended Brannon….. when I asked the question … if not you should save it in a text file for the next time to save you time
if you were Brannons wife then I would understand you defense
I do not have a problem with good people but even good people have flaws and that is why you should not worship any of them.
yes we all wish that the Tillis race would have gone different and I Voted for Brannon
But I think Mr. Harris is more Good than Bad and should not be tossed under the bus per say as you seem to want to do
Patrick is not wrong. We could have had a great State Chairman in Jim Womack last year but we got cheated by Woodhouse and company with a rigged election, Conservatives needed every hand on deck to avoid that outcome and I didn’t see kyour friend there, whom I do admire greatly, nonetheless.