#ncga: Want TAs? Go see your local school board, superintendent
The professional left and their driveby dictationists want you to think the honorables on Jones Street sit around debating whether Mrs. Jones’s 1st grade class at Waxhaw Elementary will get its full allocation of books and a teacher assistant. The spin is being laid out there that — if the legislature doesn’t pass a budget resolution NOW — all hell will break loose and catastrophe will reign within our public schools. As though things are already so great there. But, I digress.
What happens if the House and Senate can’t agree on a budget for the current fiscal year? They GO HOME and we keep operating on last year’s budget. Bureaucrats hate that idea because last year’s budget was much more conservative than the versions being debated now.
But, here’s how most school funding works with Raleigh. The legislature allocates a pot of money to be divided among the public schools. State and federal laws require that certain things be paid for each year. But, for the most part, specific spending decisions are made by the local school boards, superintendents, and central office educrats. It’s *funny* how you hear these people moaning about the children doing without teacher assistants or textbooks, but you never never never hear about the possibility of some overpaid $100,000-plus per year educrats at the central office being furloughed without pay. God forbid that we go even one month without Dr. Marx, assistant deputy superintendent for instructional design and animal sacrifice, and his / her six figure taxpayer-provided salary.
If your school system is foregoing books or teacher assistants, and you want those things, your local system’s spending priorities are out of whack. Those *GODS among MEN* anointed with the holy water from American academia’s “education” schools will never forego anything. They believe they are entitled to our money like every other bureaucrat. And if they have to hold the kids hostage to shake it out of us, they will.
Buncombe County Schools
2013 Total Compensation per year by Primary Job Code
1 Superintendent: $183,717.21
1 Associate Superintendent: $127,905.37
17 Directors/Supervisors:
Top Salary $112,968.42, Median Salary $90,030.68
1 Finance Officer: $115,523.56
49 Principals/Headmasters:
Top Salary $96,746.00, Median Salary $73,322.44
60 Assistant Principals:
Top Salary $93,777.65, Median Salary $58,198.25
1,915 Total Teachers:
Top Salary $97,081.54, Median Salary $41,214.67
1,543 FTE Teachers:
Top Salary $97,081.54, Median Salary $45,176.30
974 Teacher Assistants & Aides:
Top Salary $71,434.40, Median Salary $16,024.81
275 Instructional Support:
Top Salary $86,437.80, Median Salary $48,326.40
115 Non-instructional Support Specialists:
Top Salary $81,023.04, Median Salary $21,661.10
179 Clerical Personnel:
Top Salary: $64,729.43, Median Salary $29,428.67
NOTE: Does not include health and other benefits or lifetime pensions. Figures do not reflect any bonuses or raises given after 2013. Figures include local supplements, longevity pay, annual leave, overtime, mentor pay, annual leave pay, disability, and other extra duty pay. Most positions are paid from multiple sources and many individuals draw from multiple job codes.
TIM PECK: THIS should be printed in every newspaper, but never will. The schools underfunding canard is key to the money laundering our tax dollars go through to fund the Left’s ideological agenda in our public schools.
Try to find the published school budget decision tree (budget blueprint) in your county. It does not exist, at least not for tax-payer review and oversight. School budget decisions are made inside a black box. We need to open that box and look inside. Of course there will be HUGE public school resistance to that, because it would reveal the REAL objectives they pursue.
Get YOUR children OUT of government screwls as FAST as you CAN, when no one attends them anymore then we move the upstarts back into their vacant bldgs.