NC Dems rallying AGAINST cutting spending, saving the country (WHERE IS THE NCGOP?)
No, your eyes are not deceiving you.
Once again, we refer you to THIS PAGE for an update on just how bad politicians have screwed our economy.
In the real world, one addresses debt by cutting spending and directly addressing said debt. But NOT in elected official fantasy-land. They believe they can just print more money or shake some more out of us. Unfortunately, as you can see, that scam has just about run its course.
Elected officiais in both parties share the blame for the mess we are in. They were elected to manage our country’s affairs, and have failed miserably.
It’s heart-warming to see so many elected Republican officials – many of whom have been sitting on their butts in DC for years or decades — cheering Donald Trump and Elon Musk. I bet it’s much more comfortable to sit in the background and cheer on someone taking heat for doing the job you were hired to do.
The Democrats – with this rally — are confirming what we already knew. They are the party of Santa Claus: presents for everybody. (Somebody else who you don’t know is paying for it all.)
But where is the alleged *conservative party*? Some lip-service gets paid to the concept of limited government at campaign time. In the party platform, there are some weasel words kinda addressing cutting spending and shrinking government.
But where are the serious, credible efforts to make those ideas a reality? In Raleigh and DC, there have been several periods where the alleged conservative party controlled the legislative AND executive branches. There have been plenty of opportunities to cut spending, shrink government and ensure our children and grandchildren will still have a country.
Sadly, there has been little to no interest on the (R) side to credibly and significantly cut spending AND the size of government. Instead, we get Medicaid expansion, public-private partnerships and whatever other boondoggles the lobbyists with pockets stuffed with cash have on their wish lists.
It’s hard to come out and bash the Democrat defense of bloated government when YOU, yourself have done next to nothing to attack the problem.
[ According to HeritageAction, most all of our congressional delegation — during the last session — voted to the left of the average House Republican. Our senior US senator — during the last session — racked up a voting record to the left of socialist Bernie Sanders.]
We’re big fans of the work Donald Trump and Elon Musk are doing with DOGE. But it sure would be nice to see the folks we elected to represent us and do this kind of work stand up and actually give those guys some help.
CUT it all out. These folks have time to demonstrate likely have govt jobs or DOGE-cutting positions or NGO’s. PAST time these $$ go away. Stacy Abrams is a prime example of govt waste. So is Rev Barbour. We have these slush funds in all our cities, small and large.
Cuts need to be at federal, state, regional and local level. The squealing will get louder once the slush funds are identified. These people have lived off these funds for yrs and yrs and yrs. It’s their livelihood. They buy houses, cars, extravagant trips.