#nc-02: D’Annunzio dives into US House fray

timgivinghisspeechWe warned you.  And now it’s happened.  Deep-pocketed Raeford businessman Tim D’Annunzio filed Tuesday for the GOP primary for North Carolina’s Second congressional district.  He and Jim Duncan are the only two Republicans who have officially signed on the dotted line for the race. No Democrats have filed.  And neither has incumbent Renee Ellmers, nor reported challengers Kay Daly or Frank Roche. (Former NCDOT secretary Tony Tata is also rumored to be considering the race.)

Longtime political observers may remember D’Annunzio for his 2010 primary run in the Eighth District, where he publicly clashed with then-NCGOP chairman Tom Fetzer.  He lost that primary bid in a runoff, but went on to become the GOP nominee in the Fourth District in 2012.  He was defeated in that race by incumbent Democrat David Price.  In 2014, D’Annunzio ran for the Libertarian nomination for US Senate.  He came up short in that race to eventual nominee Sean Haugh.

Filing ends Monday.  Who knows what other news stories may emerge between now and then?