NC-02: Clay’s Child Support. Renee’s Indignance. (Welcome to The Great Debate Pre-Game Show.)
We’ve got a political debate that’s sure to draw a lot of media attention here in town Monday night.
I really hate using something like RadarOnline as a source. But, hey, wasn’t it The National Enquirer that busted wide open the story on John Edwards and his baby-mama? We use The N&O here, so I guess it’s OK to use The Enquirer and Radar. They have a better rep than most McClatchy rags.
This summer, Radar published a story about just how Clay is supporting himself financially:
Clay Aiken is really hoping to win the Congressional seat in North Carolina this fall, and not just because he wants to serve his country. has learned that he could use the paycheck because the only other steady source of income the former American Idol contestant collects each month is the child support payment from his baby mama, Jaymes Foster, sister of mega record producer, David.
Even though Jaymes has primary custody of her five-year-old-son with Aiken, Parker, “Clay
is given a substantial amount of child support from her,” an insider revealed. “The basis for the child support payment — which is more than $7,500 a month — is that Jaymes is raising Parker in a very luxurious lifestyle, therefore, Clay needs to be able to maintain and provide that for his son also. So, mommy pays for that.”
Now, “Jaymes is hoping that Clay wins his bid to become a Congressman so she could petition the Court to reduce his child support payments,” the source said. “Clay doesn’t have any other source of steady income besides his monthly child support from Jaymes.”
Members of Congress are paid $174,000 annually and are given annual allowances to offset travel costs between their district, and Washington D.C.
Though Aiken is homosexual, he and best friend Jaymes decided to have a son together back in 2008. Since then the two have been in and out of court in Los Angeles over custody issues involving their son.
[…] Foster had served as executive producer of Aiken’s last three albums for RCA, which didn’t create a lot of buzz.
The source added, “Clay is very jealous of the success that Jaymes has accomplished in her career, and he wants to live the life of luxury, and not pay for it. There is absolutely no demand for Clay as a musician. He is always trying to get more money out of Jaymes. It’s just a sad situation.”
Renee Ellmers has been making a splash as well. The N&O recently ran a story on Clay’s “RepublAiken” marketing theme — that we had days earlier — and Miss Harnett County tossed in her two cents:
[…] The district’s incumbent, U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers, mentioned Aiken’s signs at a Republican Women’s Club meeting this week.
“Guess what? This week he’s Republican,” said Ellmers, a Republican from Dunn. “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a campaign like this. Be all things to all people. You have to be who you are.”
*SMH.* Isn’t this the same woman who publicly bashed the 2012 vote on the state constitution’s marriage amendment, then turned around six months later to run TV ads saying she’s “fighting for traditional values”? Isn’t this the same woman who, in 2011, praised the idea of using a continuing resolution to defund ObamaCare, and then publicly trashed the idea when Ted Cruz and Mark Meadows tried to actually do it? Isn’t this the same woman who welcomed the Tea Party label when she ran in 2010, but — during an aggressive Tea Party primary challenge in 2012 — claimed in a newspaper interview that she had never really been “a Tea Party person”?
This woman has some nerve bashing someone else for talking out of both sides of their mouth. You think the choices are bad in the Senate race? Look at what we in the Second District have to look forward to.
Write-in a candidate, anybody but Ellmers or Aiken, for NC2.
Heh… that Aiken story reminded me of that whole nutty Ellmers episode during the shutdown, with her “I need my paycheck” line, followed by a quick reversal (and an apparent denial of ever deciding to keep the pay in the first place – nice touch, that). 🙂
On a related note about Ellmers… her finances are weird (on Open Secret and her disclosure forms) – she was a nurse and her husband owns a practice that on paper isnt worth that much – that’s fine and dandy. But yet, she has, in addition to the mortgage, a substantial home equity line of credit and a good-sized second loan on a Topsail Beach lot.
Dave Ramsey would not approve 🙂
Here is a hint for you, if you don’t think a source is reliable, don’t use it. If you want to check out Aiken’s finances check his look at his political filings – so easy to check.
My opinion of Clay just went up. Any man who can get support payments from a woman is pretty smart! And a gay man who can get support payments from a woman is a pure genius!!
Can you imagine what type Federal support payments he might bring to his district? Under Clay’s leadership his district could become like one of those middle eastern countries where each citizen gets a monthly check from oil revenues. People will be flocking to live their.
Probably be wise for the district to elect Clay. He is a true hero to men everywhere.
I pity the poor voters of the Second District. Talk about having no sane choice at all in this election. Both Aiken and Ellmers probably need psychiatric counseling. WIll some normal, sane Republican please run against Renee in the primary next time and give us a decent choice?
Anyone who believes tabloids deserves to be lied to. I had no idea that dailyhaymaker could stoop so low as to print total made up lies.
I have enjoyed reading your site…UNTIL today. I am shocked that you would stoop to quoting a trash site. What a mistake! Now, I can’t trust anything you say!
Did it ever occur to you to either
1. check another site to see if there was any truth to the Radar On Line article (NO)
2. Realize that by posting this sordid story you would be hurting a good man.
If you had any integrity you would remove this trash immediately.
I agree with George & Jeremy on this also. What was the point of this piece? Stay home & not vote? It can’t be for Renee Ellmers either. I attended the Randolph Tea gathering 2 weeks ago and took some notes I’d like to share here with you and your readers on what Clay discussed there. I was hoping the Randolph Tea would make that video available of a great meeting (and you know they have one) up on their You Tube Channel…
The responses below were from questions directly asked by constituents:
“Clay only talked about himself and prior experience as a teacher for a few minutes. He also brought up how supporters across the country had started sending money for a foundation that was not even set up yet. From that he created the non profit National Inclusion Project, which currently serves children with disabilities and includes them in summer camps in 35 states around the country.
He will listen and be available to constituents. “I can’t always promise that I will agree with you, but I can promise that I will be respectful and listen to you.”
Clay is in support of the 2nd Amendment. He has a family has of gun owners and a cousin who has a gun store on the other side of the district. They use them for sport and smartly. He called out loudly, extremists who are using them irresponsibly and that is where the problem lies. We can do a better job to keep them out of the hands of people who should not have them. He spoke about the importance of mental health and funding for it.
Spur growth through transportation infrastructure. Mentioned Liberty and Siler City as areas which need help in the district.
Clay’s brother served 2 terms in Iraq as a US Marine. He spoke about him having a hard time finding a job when he returned. Too many are dropped from services because their not informed how or where to get them. There is a bridge, a gap of sorts where our Veterans have fallen through the cracks. He himself was raised and comes from a conservative Republican household.
If you want good jobs here education is key. Need to make sure there is a framework where our kids are not behind from state to state. Curriculum needs to come from our state and local leaders, not necessarily the Federal government mandating.
Immigration policy can not happen unless we secure the border. Many “Amens” to that! We need to enforce the laws we have and spend the resources to pay for them. Billions of dollars paid into economy by immigrants. We can’t just spend $200 billion to deport illegal immigrants. They need to be paying taxes as well.
Doesn’t necessarily agree with Executive Orders because if Administration changes and that creates instability. Not a fan. Even though Presidents before Obama passed more Executive Orders.
Too much money in politics and the ones in power have the money. Concerned with bureaucrats being in office too long. Talked about the need for non partisan redistricting.
Thanks for underlining the fact that this dude is a pro-amnesty big government liberal.
With two such candidates on the ballot, there also needs to be a line for ”None of the Above”.
Why does Aiken choose to live across the country from his young son and require the child to live bicoastal? Seems like the ultimate in selfishness to me. D.C. does not need another egomaniac with no real world common sense. How in the world could he go from being a success on American Idol to needing financial support of any kind??? If he wants a government job he should work for free and not take tax payers money. (Unless he truly is broke as they say…)
From The Hill linked from Drudge:
“Speaker John Boehner vowed last year that he’d back gay GOP candidates. Now, he’s making good on his word.
The Ohio Republican is heading to California this week, where he’ll raise cash for openly gay Republican candidate Carl DeMaio in defiance of several conservative groups.”