Kay Hagan STILL marching to the beat of Chuck Schumer’s drum ….
U.S. Senator Kay Hagan (D) — North Carolina’s junior senator affectionately referred to by many as Senator Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) favorite sock puppet — is compiling a voting record sure to bring smiles to the faces of the residents of Chapel Hill-Carrboro, the McClatchy newsrooms, and the Raleigh home of Jim and Barbara Goodmon. Too bad for her that folks outside those localities get to vote in US Senate elections.
The North Carolina state House has pushed through legislation —however watered-down it may be –– requiring voters to show ID at polling places. Last month, however, Senator Sock Puppet voted against legislation requiring voter ID in federal elections (S. Con. Res. 8, CQ Vote #83). Never mind that statewide polling finds 70 percent support for voter ID legislation.
This is getting to be a habit. The state’s voters approved, with 61 percent approval, an amendment to the state constitution confirming support for traditional marriage, and effectively rejecting gay marriage. What does Kay do? She comes out FOR gay marriage.
The GOP took over the state legislature in 2010 and reinforced its majority in 2012. Voters encouraged legislators to push through legislation blocking the implementation of ObamaCare in the state. Ol’ Kay was a diehard supporter of ObamaCare when it was first introduced, and has been a stalwart defender against attempts to weaken or repeal it. She’s FOR it. The folks back home are enthusiastically against it. Go figure.
Senator Sock Puppet dragged her buddy “Tricky Dick” Burr along for recent votes in favor of gun control and purchaser background checks — despite the fact that polls back home show support for NONE OF THAT.
McClatchy has been reprinting press releases from Hagan’s office trumpeting some token centrist votes. Those are all fine and good. But six months of a few sensible votes DO NOT make up for FIVE YEARS WORTH of votes that have decimated the economy and put the future of our country at risk.
Both Senators hail from the TRIAD. If Berger wants to run, he should oppose Burr, both are from the Triad. Hagan, the other triad’ite will lose to any GOP candidate who can walk and chew gum at the same time. The real struggle for the defenders of liberty is to get a conservative candidate into that race.Working a conservative candidate thru the GOP maze will be a real chore.