Conservative Review: All NCGOPers in DC get Fs (except for Meadows, Jones, Holding, and Walker)
*Saying one thing, and doing another when you think no one is looking.* That’s what we have going on here.
According to CR’s highly-acclaimed vote score card, only FOUR members of our state’s delegation to Congress can truthfully call themselves “conservative.”
Mark Meadows leads the pack with a 94% (grade A) conservative voting record. Walter Jones comes in second with a 76% (grade C) voting record. Greensboro’s Mark Walker is a close third with a 75% (grade C) voting record. George Holding comes in fourth with a 74% (grade C) conservative voting record.
Everybody else? They FAIL.
Richard Hudson comes in right behind Holding with a 59% (grade F) conservative voting record. Virginia Foxx follows Hudson with a 58% (grade F) voting record. David Rouzer follows Foxx with a 56% (grade F) conservative voting record. Patrick McHenry, a member of House leadership, follows Rouzer with a 53% (grade F) conservative voting record. Robert Pittenger is the caboose for the House delegation — pulling in a 43% (grade F) conservative voting record.
Now, let’s look at our senators. Richard Burr earns a 39% (grade F) conservative rating. Thom Tillis — officially the most liberal Republican we send to DC — earns a 35% (grade F) conservative rating.
Let’s compare our state to South Carolina. Five of their six Republican House members earn passing grades from Conservative Review:
- Jeff Duncan — 96% A
- Mick Mulvaney — 94% A
- Mark Sanford — 90% A
- Trey Gowdy — 85% B
- Joe Wilson — 65% D
Tom Rice — 58% and F — is the only South Carolina Republican with a failing grade. Let’s look at their senators:
- Tim Scott — 89% B
- Lindsey Graham — 30% F
Hey, with a little more work, our guys in the Senate will be AS BAD as Lindsey Graham.
has grandpa seen these report cards he has some butt whipping to do
Grandpa needs some butt whipping himself after he colluded with radical environmentalists to try to destroy NC’s commercial fishing industry. It was bad enough that McCrory appointed a bunch of environmentalists out to destroy this industry to the Marine Fisheries Commission, which cost him a bunch of normally Republican votes, but Hayes goes even farther in directly attacking the commercial fishermen.
Mark Walker was talking amnesty yesterday, and now Tillis today. Not a coincidence.
Shows you exactly who’s paying them.
All of the Amnesty Amigos need primaries. Throw the rascals OUT!
The last thing the NCGOP cares about is conservatism. Grandpa leads the progressive pack.