As Gov. Gomer stumbles toward the exit, his drive-by *fan club* sweeps his mess under the rug
It’s hard to believe this imbecile is being fawned over and seriously discussed as a candidate for higher office. But WHY NOT when he has drooling drive-by media sycophants bathing him in coverage like THIS:
This DEI hire is in charge of The N&O’s political coverage. I can’t forget her once-regular lengthy Twitter feeds detailing all the action occurring outside her office window (puppies playing, parents hugging kids, etc.). Her Twitter work is surpassed in vapidity by only
Democrat Republican legislator Tricia Cotham (see Here and Here.)
(*Sur-prahz, Sur-prahz.*) We’ve thought of a few things that surely blemish the political record of our lame duck guv:
Evidence testing: . We heard some random mumblings — starting in 2015 or so — about rape kits in the possession of attorney general Roy Cooper‘s Department of Justice not being tested. The NCGOP didn’t have much to say about it. Neither did the Pat McCrory 2016 reelection campaign. So, no one was held accountable and ol’ Gomer got promoted to the big house on Blount Street. (Those rape kits were now going to be attorney general-elect Josh Stein‘s problem.)
Local law enforcement was having a tough time getting their non-rape-related evidence tested in a timely manner by the Roy Cooper-managed state crime lab. Many localities were contracting with private labs in order to get evidence processed and cases moving through their courts.
Mayhem and sabotage: Governor Gomer decided it would be a great use of his time to provide aid and comfort to Black Lives Matter while they burned, vandalized and terrorized our communities. The fool even marched with them.
While running for governor, Roy Cooper encouraged economic boycotts of the state he called home, allegedly *served* as AG, and desired to govern. (*ALL in the name of drag queens in the public restrooms of their choice.*)
Oversight? What oversight? It’s no secret that government bureaucracy regularly fails to adequately serve the people. You’d hear more about it if Republicans were in charge. But, no, not one peep during the Pyle era in Raleigh. (At least, until AFTER the elections.)
The N&O is full of stories about how the Cooper-managed DMV has fixed all its problems. Never mind that — within the last week — taxpayers have been told DMV computers are still down with no end in sight. They’ve been told — despite post cards being mailed out encouraging renewing now — appointments for renewing licenses are scheduled at least three months into the future. Anyone who complains about having to wait at least three months is then invited to show up at their closest DMV office at 7AM on a Friday morning and put their name on a waiting list. (If they get to you, they’ll get to you. If not, see you next Friday.)
Then, after the 2024 elections, we learned from the drive-bys that a state audit has found the Roy Cooper-managed Department of Health and Human Services failed miserably at overseeing safety at the state’s rest homes.
Couple that with the apparent lack of oversight at NC DHHS-supervised Balanced Nutrition — and we begin to see a real pattern of disrespect of taxpayers and the money they fork over each April.
DHHS management defended their record by suggesting they didn’t have the manpower to properly perform all of the necessary oversight. Staffing shortfalls? That sounds like an issue to take up with the guy in charge – Governor Gomer. But WHO is going to push that issue? WRAL? The N&O? (*Yeah.*)
And certainly NOT our Gen Assembly who became very good pals and supporters of Coop.
NETWORKING in 2025 has to occur. We cannot allow the gop to remain in its present state governing NC.
We will become a blue state, pretty much what our COS is for the next 4Y.
Stein, buckle up…it’s coming and what a horrid, terrible ride that to be.
And we can’t expect Tillis, Budd to help out NOR any rep on capitol hill. Top to bottom, from Murphy to Foxx, McHenry they are equally as horrid, terrible.
Thanks for the nostalgic trip down memory lane. Wow, sixteen years of AG Roy and eight years of Governor Roy. So many things to remember. One of the things stuck deep in my craw is when the capital vandalization was going on and Governor Lawless decided to assist the criminals in tearing down statues at government expense so the criminals might not get injured while breaking North Carolina law and insulting native Carolinians. It is all very surreal.