ANOTHER recent Wake County export aiming for a Moore County judgeship

Everybody, meet Lindsey Smith.  

She’s currently practicing law in Carthage. Smith has a website up touting her bid for a district court judge seat.  State elections records indicate that on August 23, 2023 she formed a campaign committee for a proposed court run. 

According to the website – Smith, her husband and young son moved to Carthage in 2022.  She registered to vote there on July 3, 2022.  Smith cast her first vote in Moore County on November 8, 2022.  (Prior to that date, she voted in Wake and Transylvania counties.) 

So, what did Mrs. Smith, Esq. do with herself while in Wake County?  Well, she was IDed in the 2022 annual report of the NC Innocence Commission as the group’s executive director.  The Innocence Commission devotes itself to reversing criminal convictions for people currently serving in state institutions.

In 2020, she ran for a seat on the Raleigh City Council.  At that time, we were all in the midst of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and COVID hubbub.  She told The N&O one of her key priorities as a council member would be “local criminal justice reform”the same verbiage being used by BLM and their fans to power their demands for neutering the police.   Despite all that kow-towing to the left, Smith’s campaign for a Raleigh council seat was unsuccessful. 

So, let’s review.  An election loss in 2020. A move to Moore County in 2022.  The formation of a campaign committee in 2023.  A tenure in the Wake County Bar and at the state Innocence Commission.

This sounds sort of familiar.  It sounds a lot like the strategy used successfully by current Moore County district court judge Beth Tanner.   (Many of you may remember Judge Tanner from her appearance in a courthouse controversy involving herself, the former clerk of court, the current clerk of court and a then-serving Superior Court judge.)

Tanner lost a race for Wake County district court in November 2020.  State records indicate she registered to vote in Moore County in April 2021.  Records indicate she cast her first vote in Moore County on November 2, 2021.  (State records indicate that, prior to that, Tanner had voted in Orange and Wake counties.)

Records indicate Tanner organized a campaign committee on February 2, 2022 for her 2022 run for district court judge in Moore County.

It appears that Tanner, like Smith, also served a stint in leadership at the NC Innocence Commission.