Will the REAL radical statewide ticket PLEASE STAND UP?
State Democrats and their cohorts in the drive-by media have been working hard to make ROBINSONmorrowBISHOP a synonym for “political extremism.” It’s the kind of thing you’d expect in a political silly season. But, you have to ask, are we omitting anyone in this discussion about political extremism? (We say YES.)
Exhibit A. Pictured above is Charlotte City Council member Braxton Winston, the Democrat nominee for state labor commissioner. In 2016, Winston and several thousands of his comrades were running around Charlotte taunting the police, terrorizing innocent people, and trying to tear the whole place down. Their excuse for this behavior? They claimed the shooting of a black suspect by a black cop who worked for a black police chief was an example of rampant institutional racism in Charlotte. (How rioting was supposed to fix that “problem” is beyond me.)
In 2019, ol’ Braxton used the “power” of his position as a Charlotte City Council member to storm the office of the local ICE supervisor and protest recent immigration raids.
*I am betting the closest Dan Bishop ever came to rioting was one time when he slammed his pickleball racket onto the court in frustration.*
Exhibit B. It’s time to take a good hard look at one of the longest-serving relics on the Council of State — Secretary of State Elaine Marshall (D). Back when that Marxist front Occupy Wall Street was a thing, a local offshoot called ‘Occupy Raleigh’ popped up in our fair capital city. ‘Occupy Elaine’ — allegedly the voice of business in the state — decided to devote an inordinate amount of her time to hanging out with and pandering to this marxist rabble. (In the middle of an election, of all times.)
Amazingly, the NCGOP blew that opportunity to retire ‘Occupy Elaine’ back to her Buies Creek crypt. This is year 28 of Elaine’s occupation of Raleigh. As an old lady, she’s not quite as scary as she used to be. But having an income-redistributor camped out on the NC Council of State is not exactly a mainstream thing.
Exhibit C. The lefties have had a blast beating on Michele Morrow, the GOP’s nominee for superintendent of the NC Department of Public Instruction. While this has been going down, her Democrat opponent for November, Maurice Green, has been getting one hell of a pass.
“Mo” Green — not to be mistaken for the unfortunate character in the movie The Godfather — has headed the school systems in Mecklenburg and Guilford counties (not exactly dream destinations for parents to send their kids). Mecklenburg is one of two school systems in the state which has its own police force. *Comforting, huh? *
The section of Green’s CV that provokes the most curiosity is his 6.5 year stint as executive director of the radical-as-hell Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. (The comrades in Havana, Pyongyang and Beijing go from red to green-with-envy when they think of the ol’ ZSR foundation.)
Before, during, and after Green’s tenure, the foundation’s grant-making activities have focused on five specific areas:
[…]* Community Economic Development: On the premise that “pervasive racial and gender wealth gaps too often deny … North Carolinians a meaningful opportunity to fully participate in the state’s economy,” this program supports organizations and projects that promote “systemic change” geared toward creating “a just, equitable, and sustainable economy” that redistributes wealth from middle- and upper-class families to “disenfranchised and lower-resourced families and communities.”Particular emphasis is placed on “increasing, protecting, and stabilizing” the incomes and assets of “women and communities of color.” […]
“Wealth redistribut[ion]”? Everybody catch that?
[…] * Environment: ZSRF’s grants in this area support organizations dedicated to the promotion of “less carbon-intensive, renewable energy resources” that “prevent human-caused climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.” And in an effort to advance the cause of “environmental justice,” the Foundation finances projects that aim to help “low-income communities and communities of color”—who “shoulder a disproportionate share of environmental hazards”—receive preferential “access to the advantages offered by the emerging green economy.”
* Public Education: This program is devoted to supporting and building “the public will to sustain” North Carolina’s early childhood and K-12 public school systems, as well as “high-school based pathways to post-secondary education for students from low-resource families.” In addition, grants in this area are geared toward “developing the leadership capacity” of school administrators; recruiting and retaining qualified teachers; and promoting “racial, ethnic, and economic diversity” within the teaching profession, “especially in low-wealth schools or school systems.”
* Social Justice and Equity: Viewing the United States as a nation awash in racism and sexism, this program funds progressive groups that profess a desire to eliminate: (a) the “prejudice and cultural divides” that plague American society; (b) the “discriminatory rules, policies, and practices which perpetuate the disadvantageous treatment of individuals in some communities and disproportionally advantage individuals in other communities”; and (c) the “structural inequities that detrimentally impac[t] people of color, women, immigrants, [LGBT] people, and the economically disadvantaged.” Steeped in a commitment to identity politics, ZSRF deems it vital to support “coalitions of identity groups and allies” that are engaged in “broader movement-building efforts.”
To address specifically “the economic and racial disparities in the criminal-justice system,” this ZSRF grantmaking program advocates “eliminating or reforming the death penalty”; “reducing collateral consequences of criminal conviction,” such as “barriers that prevent successful re-entry of people previously incarcerated”; and “addressing systemic issues leading to the over-incarceration of people of color.”
ZSRF also calls for statewide public-policy efforts to maximize “reproductive options” for all women—i.e., taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand. Moreover, the Foundation invests heavily in “immigrant assistance organizations” that work not only to “advance the integration of immigrants into the civic and social fabric of North Carolina,” but also to help immigrants access “important government and direct services.”
* Strengthening Democracy: This grantmaking program is focused on “reducing the influence of money on politics,” “ensuring transparency and oversight of government activities,” “reducing structural barriers that limit the ability of underrepresented people” to participate in government, and “funding work that increases the participation of traditionally underrepresented voters (women, people of color, young adults, new citizens and low-income people).” For instance, the Foundation has given large sums of money to groups that oppose Voter ID laws. [….]
Wow. They also have funded a gaggle of far-left groups like BlueprintNC — which spoke *lovingly* in 2012 and 2013 about their desire to “eviscerate” all the Republicans who had recently taken power in Raleigh. For those of you unfamiliar with the word “eviscerate”:
Gosh, that’s some violent talk, right there. And Mo Green and his comrades funded these people.
In a brief survey of the Democrat ticket for 2024, we’ve IDed two folks in love with income redistribution and one fan of rioting. There’s no one on the GOP side even comparable.
“Radical”, like “beauty” is often in the eye of the beholder. But you do have to ask yourself: Who do I want in Raleigh’s seats of power, ROBINSONmorrowBISHOP or the three we’ve just briefed you on?
All of these lunatics check the “protected class” boxes so there is absolutely no chance the pussified, don’t-call-me-a-racist, self loathing assholes running that anti-base hate group masquerading as the state Republican Party will do one thing about these candidates but roll over.
They will, however, double down on abortion, having learning nothing from every single special election which the GOP has now lost, failing once again to realize that abortion is the Holy Grail for fully engaged, politically radical progressive women running this carcass of a state and country.
The party of perpetual suck will blather away about taxes, cost of living and abortion, refuse to go head to head with these radicals, refuse to talk about immigration, refuse to talk about anti-White hate, push pot, wax poetic about Medicaid expansion and spend time attacking their own (like that asshole Sawyer is doing).
The NCGOP is the gift that keeps giving to the Democrats. Must be nice to have a party pathologically committed to advancing its base’s agenda.
Vote very, very carefully.
When it comes to radicals on the Democrat ticket statewide, their nominee for the Supreme Court, the recently Cooper-appointed Justice Allison Riggs should be mentioned. Riggs has never worked in a private law practice or a district attorney’s office. Until appointed to the judiciary by Cooper, she has worked for a far left “lawfare” NGO called Southern Coalition for Social Justice. As those who follow politics know, the far left uses “social justice” as an Orwellian term for “socialism”. This woman’s background clearly shows she is left of Lenin.