WHAT or WHO is “JK Slime” ?

It’s a historic time in the worlds of North Carolina politics and business.  Balanced Nutrition, the controversy-laden business run by Yolanda Hill, wife of Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, was slated to close its doors for good yesterday.   Meanwhile, the business is nearing the end of the second week of an audit by the NC Department of Health and Human Services.  (Communications to Hill by department officials suggest that the audit may stretch into a third week.)

We’ve heard differing stories about why Balanced Nutrition is closing its doors.  Hill told her clients that the business was closing due to the time constraints of her husband’s campaign for governor.  In communications with DHHS officials, Hill and her lawyer alleged the business was closing due to “harassment” from DHHS employees.  (They alleged that – in early 2023 –  a certain employee texted around photos of Hill and her husband, the lieutenant governor, from Facebook.)

Meanwhile, we learned that Balanced Nutrition had been placed on the state’s Do-Not-Pay list in July 2021. 

This week, we came upon an interesting new element to this story.  On August 15, 2023, a new business was incorporated with the state by Yolanda Hill:

We’ve been unable to find any hint about the nature of JK Slime, Inc. The lieutenant governor’s office has not responded to a written inquiry about the business filing.

In March, we were alerted to an inquiry by Yolanda Hill on Facebook about available commercial space in Greensboro or High Point.