What? ERIC is un-invited?
Apparently, so. That is what state Rep. Mitch Setzer’s recently filed bill would apparently accomplish. We’ve told you about this multi-state boondoggle to put our private information into the hands of a public-private enterprise with all kinds of Zuckerberg-Soros ties.
If all the stars align just right, North Carolina just may be snatched from the jaws of this bureaucratic fiasco. (There is no chance for crooked politicians to get PAID from this, so I am not getting my hopes up.)
Far be it from me to dash any hopes, but our neighbors to the south just did this…..
Rep. Rob Harris Attempts To Cut Globalist Controlled ERIC, SC Uniparty Vehemently Blocks https://palmettostatewatch.wpcomstaging.com/rep-rob-harris-attempts-to-cut-globalist-controlled-eric-sc-uniparty-vehemently-blocks/
From what was said last session, it was “Benedict Arnold” Berger who put this Soros scam ERIC into the budget. As so often happens these days, Berger was carrying water for the Democrats. That will be the hurdle to getting the corrupt leftwing ERIC out of our elections.
NC has not yet joined ERIC, as the ERIC member agreement does not conform to the limitations placed on the release of confidential citizen data that the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) requires. Still, the mistake in last year’s budget bill needed to be corrected. (We never would have given ERIC a second thought had the John Locke Foundation not given the ‘green light’ for ERIC to Moore and Berger.) Speaker Moore saw to it the mistake was corrected by having Setzer introduce this bill. HOWEVER, the risk of compromising our voter rolls has not been completely averted. This bill only prohibits the exchange of voter and other data to ERIC (one of MANY Soros- and Zuckerberg-funded 501(c)3 organizations intent on manipulating the 2024 elections). What truly is needed is a bill to prohibit the release of confidential citizen data to ANY non-governmental entity, PERIOD.
I’m curious to know if this bill will actually happen. I hope not, because I think it’s a terrible idea.