US Rep. Chuck Edwards hires Trump-hating, Beasley-endorsing, gay rights activist onto district staff
US senator Thom Tillis knew what he was doing when he set state senator Chuck Edwards up to primary then-congressman Madison Cawthorn. It’s looking more and more like Edwards is as well-versed as Tillis in the art of political treachery and treason.
You can talk all you want about Cawthorn’s personal life. But at least he voted for — and advocated for — conservative stuff. It appears we’re going to see very little of that from Edwards.
Let’s meet Brittney Lofthouse, shall we?
Sources in that neck of the woods tell me that Lofthouse was recommended to Edwards by state senator Kevin Corbin (R).
We’re also told that Lofthouse runs five of Edwards’s district offices.
Lofthouse was voting as a Democrat as late as 2012. She is currently registered as Unaffiliated and has been selecting the GOP primary ballot ever since. That’s an interesting registration choice in an overwhelmingly GOP congressional district, and when you’ve been working for TWO elected Republicans.
In 2021, Lofthouse used her personal blog to level an attack on some folks who had problems with a Gay Pride display in an area public library:
[…]The first speaker said that the people who would support such a display at the library are always obnoxiously loud. And while I am no doubt obnoxiously loud — Its because I support loving and accepting everyone regardless of their shortcomings — even if those shortcomings are being narrow-minded and attempting to ostracize a community of people because you disagree with how they live their lives. I can guarantee that my 8-year-old son was more traumatized by listening to a grown man scream anal sex during a commissioner’s meeting than he would have been by walking by a rainbow-colored table at the library.[…]
No one… and I mean NO ONE… should ever be made to feel lesser than because someone else holds themself in such high regard. While one speaker claimed that the majority of people in Macon County shared his views, I think the response from last night’s meeting will show quite the opposite to be true. Because it doesn’t matter what your political beliefs are — it doesn’t matter if you celebrated Pride or not — the majority of the people that I know, put love first — put respect first, put understanding and compassion first. And even if they don’t agree with that lifestyle choice — they certainly don’t look down on and degrade others because of it.
And to claim it was for the children — or to save the children… right here in Macon County we have lost young children to suicide because they struggled with their sexuality. If that display made one person feel accepted… it was worth it. […]
On October 18, 2022, Lofthouse posted her endorsement on Facebook of Cheri Beasley for US Senate. At this point, she had been receiving payments from senator Corbin for about two years.
Here’s Ms. Lofthouse being celebrated on a transgender-oriented podcast.
And here she is at a drag show in Charlotte.

This is simply unbelievable! I can’t fathom Chuck Edwards and Kevin Corbin stooping to this decadent level. Burr, Tillis, Corbin, and now Edwards. What has happened to the NC GOP leadership class? Republican conservatives in Southwestern NC had better wake-up soon!
Those of us who were seeing through the charade of Edward’s campaign and negative media attacks on Cawthorn saw this coming. So sad that Western Nc traded Cawthorn for Edwards. I expect to see more treachery to come!
You are right! We have been sold out by Burr, Tillis, and now this bafoon .
They are disgusting. Burr, TILLIS, now this guy. Liars to our faces.
I just spent 30 minutes listening to Brittney on a podcast rail against people complaining about boys playing on girls’ sports teams. She sounds more like AOC’s or Ilhan Omar’s staffer. Equally offensive, Brittney called a female volleyball player who was injured by a male player spiking a ball straight to her skull a LIAR!
“Trans-Republicans” like Chuck Edwards and Kevin Corbin elevate bona fife Trans activists, by putting them on the payroll, and the base is supposed to look the other way. It’s infuriating.
And of course, with a possible primary just over a year away, Edwards will soon tidal-wave the airwaves with cash in SW NC, touting his conservative bonafides.
Maybe he can get Thommy to tout with him on the campaign trail.
In no world would a Democrat bring a “Republican” onto his staff. But, of course, the party of SUCK will do just that as groomer Edwards just proved.
The NCGOP is working in tandem with the Democrats to codify the abnormal, destroy your family and make your kids essentially malleable wards of the state. For the life of me, I can not find a single NCGOP pol who stands against the above. Robinson gets the closest but he has been disappointedly silent on groomer Truitt. And right now they are brazenly running around squawking about abortion which will only serve to ignite the ghoulish progressive base and seal our fate as a fallen state. Plus, who the F actually believes these clowns when they have ZERO interest in protecting our already born children??
If Michelle Woodhouse wants to run for Chair (earlier post), her platform must be focused on starving these groomers and centered on kitchen tables issues like anti White racism in the UNC system, defunding/banning CRT, defunding/banning gender affirming care, etc. which groomers Tim, Phil, Chuck, Catherine and Thom have embraced with enthusiasm. Otherwise, Michelle should not waste her time.
The problem is many in the local GOPs do not want to believe what articles here or accounts like LibsOfTikTok point out is real when you start showing people what is really happening they do not want to hear about it or acknowledge it. Running on a platform like you suggested is great but it has to have an education component to be able to bring people up to speed enough to even understand it and they have to have personal values strong enough to be willing to join in to defend against the evil . Sure a percentage of people understand what is happening and they understand how much worse off we are since Womack lost in Charlotte but the same percentage that understands is still really small
Fair point for the masses. But, one of the silver linings of on-line school during the lockdown was parents’ birds eye view into the gender-bending, anti-White bullcrap being taught in our schools. We are onto this progressive insanity being foisted onto our kids by demonic Democrats, Truitt and pervy water-carriers like Edwards.
And we have had ENOUGH.
The NCGOP cabal dismisses us at its peril. Huge opportunity for a disrupter…
There is an old saying in politics that “personnel is policy” meaning who you hire will have a lot to do with the positions you take on issues. The first sign that Catherine Truitt was a bad apple was when she hired a leftwing Democrat as her chief deputy, and things went downhill from there. While this very bad hire by Edwards is not quite as high on his staff, it also sends a message that we are not going to be very pleased with his voting record.
That Edwards was not going to be a conservative was clear when he was one of the few (maybe only) first time GOP Congressmen who did not join in to demand that the GOP Senators not go along with the Ominbus big spending bill.
Following the path of Truitt bringing on hard core progressives to her inner circle first thing. This all is so disgusting. Just put Chuck Edwards in drag already and call it a day.
Never, ever trust a politician just because they have R next to their name. Corbin and Edwards claim to be conservatives, but I’d take Cawthorn back any day. The GOP establishment is just as corrupted and disingenuous as the criminal democrats. Voters need to stop listening to politicians words and look at their actions.
Ms. Lofthouse no longer works for Congressman Edwards.
Guess she had to go before it hit WLOS. If it does they will try to report on her firing/resignation as a sign that Edwards is homophobic in some way.
Seems like they should have vetted her a bit more. Anyone in Macon County could have told him who she was.
Perhaps the author of this article needs to dig deeper into Corbin’s payroll or ask former Macon Co. sheriff Robert Holland-R some questions about how he got his new government job in the school system with no transparency? What other special privileges do the insiders get when they are well connected to Republican leadership? This is the type of behavior expected from liberals, but now RINOs want in on the fun.
There is a treasure of information in Macon County if someone would just dig into it.
Corruption everywhere!!!
I keep trying. People are very reluctant to speak.
Yes! I would like to know how Robby got the job when there was no job like that or opening until he retired as sheriff which was the best thing that ever happened to macon county! As a parent with 3 kids in school we deserve to know!
Everyone in Macon county is wondering the same thing.
It’s amazing how many people in WNC don’t see through the RINOs. Kevin Corbin was backing Chuck Edwards for Congress and it was all orchestrated by Tillis.
Chuck Edwards is the absolute worst public speaker who shows up late to events and leaves early. He always has some BS excuse but it’s clear he’s uncomfortable in crowds at events with his constituents-as if he’s on the spectrum. By the way, has anyone noticed Chuck’s wife looks like an Olympic Russian female weightlifter?
Take a look at the payments to Brittany from her “friend” Kevin. (Also seen with her on his lap at a Macon County fundraising event).
500.00 Brittany Lofthouse Franklin 04/08/2021 Unknown ENTITY
$500.00 Brittany Lofthouse Franklin 06/24/2021 Unknown ENTITY
NOTE: Brittney Lofthouse posted her Southern Scoop article July 14th, 2021 – twenty days after being paid by Kevin.
Additionally, the Smoky Mountain News article ran July 21st, 2021, three days short of one month after being paid by Kevin.
$500.00 Brittany Lofthouse Franklin 11/17/2021 Unknown ENTITY
$500.00 Brittany Lofthouse Franklin 05/12/2022 Unknown INDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Brittany Lofthouse Franklin 07/11/2022 Unknown INDIVIDUAL
WNC is full of RINOs. It’s amazing to me how many people do not check$1,000.00 Brittany Lofthouse Franklin 11/09/2022 Unknown INDIVIDUAL
$580.00 Brittany Lofthouse Franklin 09/19/2022 Unknown INDIVIDUAL
$4,080.00 Total paid to Brittany Lofthouse from Kevin Corbin’s Campaign
Have you ever heard of ADVERTISING. She has a page that gets lots of traffic.
Whoa…just wow. I am having a hard time with this one. After all of the vetting that SHOULD be going on within the Republican offices not just at the local levels, but District and State and Nationwide…especially considering the issues in DC….I remember having many heated arguments with Brittney on the previous serving Congressman Madison Cawthorn while he was running for office, when he went into office and served for the two years. While I make no excuses for the nonsense that he was involved in or did and had my own issues with him….TO NOT VET, no clearly be paying such individuals that clearly DO NOT work in the best interest of the constituents that you are supposed to be serving but is quiet the opposite…is dang near a slap in the face of every voter in WNC not by just one elected official but SEVERAL…..This is not acceptable.
Really disappointed in Kevin Corbin. I had been led to believe he was a conservative Christian. A wolf in sheep’s clothing apparently.
Anyone who thinks Corbin was ever religious is freakin hilarious. He was never religious. Just like the rest of Macon county church goers. FAKE AF.
Some people really need to go back about 15 years and find the photos at the fine arts center of Kevin Corbin dressed in drag, I remember pictures of Gary Shield’s in a dress, high heels and a wig.
You all need to get off your hypocritical high horses.
I remember those days too. Of course, it was harmless fun then, but the Left has ruined all things American and sucked the life out of our society with their woke nonsense.
They where all in drag. It was not harmless. It is no different than a dressed up drag show.
Mrs. Lofthouse is EXACTLY what this country and likely Mr. Edwards office needed. Someone not afraid to stand up for what they believe, popular or not, but also not afraid to cast off without towing either parties line. She would have been amazing for the office and the community. You see her as some sort of Democrat “spy”, when in reality she was more of a saint, willing to cross the party line, walk down the middle, and do good for everyone in the community. The fact that this article and other’s ignorant hate has caused her to be forced out of this position is down right heart breaking.
These people are soooo nasty. I knew it was bad 45 years ago but this is absolutely unchristian of the holy than thou Christian county. Bad Christians is what they are.
You got a log in your eye, Bro. Might need to pluck it out.
Please spare us the sob story. I feel for Ms. Lofthouse, but all of us other lifelong Macon Co. residents, knew her as inconsistent at best. “Walking down the middle” where there are no absolutes or law and order; only corruption persuasion, is how advanced civilizations crumble. Instead of joining together to sing Kumbaya reaching across the aisle, each of us in a constitutional republic should be calling out the evil of all sides of government. Mrs. Lofthouse was content to be a part of their club while trashing the common person saying, “God bless them.” No one hates her, just her biased agenda reporting that all Maconians are aware of. Her operations and brash behavior (that she has openly said she is proud of) have finally caught up with her. Now she has a duty to expose the corruption network she was savvy to if she wants to set the record straight. Ms. Lofthouse shouldn’t allow those politicians who are now turning their back on her get away with what they have done!
It’s more the so called Christian maga cult that is attacking her. You all need to stop and take a long look at yourselves.
I think I’ll stick with the Christian MAGA Cult, as you call them, over the Satanic Liberal Left any day of the week.
“Walking down the middle?????” Rabid hatred of Trump and supporting the “transgender” perverts is hard left, not “the middle”. And support of socialist Beasley? That is not anything even close to the middle either.
Kevin Corbin has a lot of answering to do. Let’s hope the local press in Macon County can get to the bottom of it along with the Robert Holland/school board corruption that is milking taxpayers for $50k on an unnecessary position when we need a new high school! Also, has Ms. Lofthouse been getting special treatment by the Sheriff’s office where her husband works (not getting charged for traffic violations?) in exchange for being a media mouthpiece for the entrenched RINOs? All of them need to come clean, and they owe it to both real conservatives and liberals to uphold the law!
Maybe I’m missing something, but it seems like this article is about Republican politicians not being conservatives rather than Brittany herself….She was not hiding who she was (as politicians usually do) and has always been open about her beliefs. She does not deserve to be personally attacked in these comments. Brittany posted for a long time who she was for all to see, but ALL politicians should be questioned when their actions don’t match their words.