Raleigh GOPe types are praising Thom Tillis for an alleged singular act of party loyalty and basically doing the job he was elected to do. Thank GOD señor Thom stopped lil’ Josh’s lawyer from being a federal judge, we’re told.
But hold the fiesta – at least until you learn the details of how Thom *made* it all happen:
Sen. Thom Tillis promised Majority Leader Chuck Schumer he couldn’t get the votes to push through President Joe Biden’s nomination of North Carolina Solicitor General Ryan Park to fill a judicial vacancy.
And late Wednesday night, Tillis says, Democrats struck a deal to throw out the nominations of Park and three other appellate court nominees, if Republicans would stop making other judicial Senate confirmations difficult. […]
First, our elected *Republican* senator is reporting to the Democrat leadership. (Where’s Grandpa Mitch?) Second, he’s striking deals to help Democrats get their stuff done. Show of hands: WHO voted for any of this? In 2014 or 2020?
It gets, um, *better*:
[…].Republicans took the deal, Tillis said.
That would mean President-elect Donald Trump gets to choose who replaces retiring Judge James Wynn on the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.
And Tillis warned Wynn and his colleagues not to try any funny business in the meantime.
It appears that Thommy Machiavelli got a bit of a comeuppance in return for all this grandstanding:
[…Tillis] warned his [Democrat] colleagues that if they took this vote and helped push through Park’s nomination, he would stop working across the aisle to help them block nominations they didn’t like. And he warned that Republicans are about to have control of both chambers and the executive office.
He fumed when they did it anyway. […]
So, he stabs his party in the back, votes with the other guys, and then they just laugh at him and / or ignore him:
[…] Tillis said what Tillis did next, and how he worked with Democrats, depended on what Schumer did on the floor.
“I will be instructed by Schumer’s behavior, “ Tillis said. “Going forward, he gets to choose, and so do all the Judiciary Committee members who just enabled him with that vote. Elections and votes have consequences, and they’re about to see the consequences on this.”
Tillis did not say Thursday what this agreement meant to his future actions.[…]
Thom STILL has a voting record for this session that is to the LEFT OF BERNIE SANDERS. He seems to be experiencing delusions that HE is the Republican leader in the chamber.
We didn’t send a Republican senator to DC to help get leftist judges confirmed. Killing one to four nominations in exchange for alllowing countless more liberals through is not a great deal for the party or the country.
(Ted Budd, you need to get off this man’s leash before he drags you down with him.)
Just a dirtbag.
We need the strongest, most impeccably vetted, fierce as F candidate to run against AND unseat this bastard. Someone singularly focused on WINNING.
Not Robinson. No explanation needed.
Not Bishop. You can’t run a milquetoast campaign like he did this last cycle and expect to win.
Not Weatherman. Two strikes — yours and Forrest’s — you are out.
Not Lara. Get over yourselves.
So who??
Our “bench” is woefully weak.
PS Hope Teddy heeds your warning because so far Mr. Budd (and his unbelievably RUDE staff) is one big SUCK.
Budd transformed into a swamper when he transitioned from House to Senate, assuming he wasn’t one before. Stuck with him until ‘28. Tillis, OTOH, needs a credible primary challenger right now or we’re cursed with him until 2032.
Agree, none of the 2024 slate can run again.
NO fire. Forest all over again.
milquetoast campaign, perfect analysis of every candidate. I’m not sure it wasn’t by design.
Again, it’s up to grassroots to get organized; on this site or some other but have to communicate and get moving NOW.
We won top of ticket and lost every other race (any that have any power) down below.
Dale is mentioned below. Dale has to get MUCH MORE FIRE!!! I’m not opposed; at least he IS a Conservative.
You’ve ruled several people out (and I agree with you). Who do you suggest?
I honestly don’t know and THAT is the problem. I can’t name a single NCGOP elected official who stays true to the base, is impeccably vetted, has fire in his belly/has charisma AND is willing to play to destroy. I can’t name a single one who punches back harder. (Our two best Folwell and Bishop are the WORST campaigners; unless they are injected w a viciousness and ruthlessness they are not our future and even then I am a skeptic). All are testicle-less, milquetoast and only show fire when charged with advancing the Dem/Cooper/Stein agenda.
Duplicitous eunuchs.
It is so very, very depressing.
Perhaps will can convince Brannon to run again.
We can convince Folwell, Speciale, and Bishop to run and to be cutthroat. We can do it!
We need to start now! Elon Musk said that he will assist us in getting rid of RINOS. Money will not be our biggest issue.
RINO & sorry POS!
All of us need to remember all this in 2026!
Can you say – Dale F0well in 2026!!
What about Jim Womack?
I would be willing to work for Womack. It will be a brutal primary. We can do it!