Thilli$$$$$: We need MORE foreign workers!
Yep. Our junior senator is carrying water for his patrons in The Chamber AND causing trouble for President Trump all in one fell swoop:
The White House complained Monday about Democratic obstruction of President Trump’s nominees, but a Republican senator is the chief roadblock for Mr. Trump’s pick to head the legal immigration service, hoping to use the position as leverage to force the administration to approve more foreign guest-workers this year.
Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina has put a “hold” on Lee Francis Cissna, the nominee for director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, to try to pressure Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly to bend to the senator’s will and quickly approve thousands of H-2B visas.
Mr. Tillis is one of a number of senators who say their states’ summertime resort, seafood and landscaping industries are struggling to find American workers and need the foreign labor to survive.
“Several senators, including Sen. Tillis, have concerns with DHS’ timeline because it would negatively impact seasonal small businesses and American workers across the nation this summer,” said Daniel Keylin, a spokesman for the senator, in explaining his blockade. “The hold is in place while these concerns are being addressed with DHS.”
The H-2B visas have become an early test for Mr. Trump, who ran on a platform of boosting U.S. workers over foreigners, but who now faces pressure from within his own party and from key business groups.[…]
Having a hard time finding work? Have a child or other family member struggling to find work? Thank stuff like this. And people like Thom. MORE:
[…] H-2B visas are supposed to be for seasonal nonagricultural work, and current law sets an annual cap of 66,000, with half awarded for winter industries and half for summer jobs. Congress often increases the cap but this year did something unusual: Lawmakers in May gave Mr. Kelly the power to make the d
ecision, allowing him to add perhaps 70,000 more visas for the summertime season.[…]
North Carolina, Mr. Tillis‘ home state, is among the top 10 states for H-2B workers, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, which is releasing a report Tuesday on the program.
The center argues that the jobs generally pay better than minimum wage and there should be Americans willing to take them — particularly if the businesses are willing to change a bit.
“These are jobs that used to be held by college students. I certainly did it when I was in college,” said Jessica Vaughan, the report’s author. “But they’ve gotten away from that because it’s just easier — they don’t have to recruit people, they don’t have to accommodate the schedules of students.”
She said the program has been taken over by middleman recruiters who sign up foreigners, then connect them with the seasonal businesses in the U.S., who bank on the foreign hires for their business models.
Ms. Vaughan pointed to the experience of some Maine businesses that used to rely on H-2B. She said when the supply dried up, the businesses started to recruit senior citizens instead, working with them to accommodate their desire for part-time jobs.
But for many companies, the current system is too enticing.
“What we find is that some of the senators who represent states where employers really want these workers are some of the biggest proponents of this program,” she said. “It certainly appears that senators are very susceptible to pressure from the employers who want to bring in these workers instead of hire American workers, even though these are clearly jobs that Americans are available for and are decent-paying jobs.” […]
If Tillis is the standard of what it looks like to be a republican in this state then I no longer want to be one. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EnglishOnly #StopAmericanJobLoss
His construction industry buddies must need cheap workers on his tollroad project in charlotte, …the toll road that got McCrory tossed out of the governors mansion. Is there a way to recall an NC senator from office?
Is Sen. Tillis considering changing parties? Well, it certainly sounds as if he is reading from the Democratic handbook. Hey, Thom, keep the dirty Republican laundry at home. If you don’t like the President’s actions, take it up with him privately. A great swath of your supporters just left you and are not returning. I worked my tail off for you in your last election – not again. SUPPORT PRESIDENT TRUMP!
I have heard that our NC seafood industry depends on these H2b visas. Can someone in the know speak to this situation? Do these positions pay above minimum wage? Why can’t Americans be hired for these positions? Is there some laziness involved for employers? I know our commercial fishermen are having a rough time lately. How does that impact this issue?
google it: the company doesn’t have to pay the matching portion of taxes: … “certain classes of alien employees are exempt from U.S. Social Security and Medicare taxes “
Tilli$$$ Needs To Lose His Seat In North Carolina. He is Up for a Second Term Not Soon Enough!
#RhinoTillis Should Be Charged With Party Disloyality!
The rumor is that Tillis is eyeing running for governor instead of senator in 2020. He needs to be defeated in the primary whatever he runs for. He is extremely bad news and an embarrassment to the party.
just in time for Infosys coming to the Triangle…
…U.S. to Hit Infosys With Record Immigration Fine
Indian Outsourcing Firm Expected to Pay About $35 Million for Illegal Use of Visas (2013)
Gail, I do not know the particular on wages. There is at random foreign labor at various fish houses. I do know it is or was the crab picking facilities that became dependent for the most part on foreign labor.
Another huge problem nowdays with the crabing industry industry is tooooooooooo many turtles. Crabers tell me that out of a string of 50 pots you can expect 40 or more to suffer turtle damage daily. Up north scallop beds are dying out because of SOOOOOOOO much turtle excrement..
Browny Douglas