The roar of the RINOs

Don’t you love it when people who love the (R) but hate the issue positions that come with it get all this face time in the drive-by media to tell the world what’s wrong with the (R) club?

Like the repulsive Thom Tillis.  He got forced on us in the wake of the 2010 elections by a horde of Charlotte money-men.  Thom made it to the US Senate in 2014 by having his minions divide the conservative vote in the primary, and barely sliding by the walking-dead incumbent Kay Hagan. In 2020, he and his minions forced a viable challenger out of the primary.

In the general election, the Raleigh crowd kept peppering us with the question: “Who’s better?  Thom and his (R), or a Democrat?”  Unfortunately, that was enough to slip Thommy past the scandal-tarred Democrat.

There is no love for Tillis.  Thom got censured by his party – the (R) club –  for completely ignoring the party platform.  He’s yet to see the 50 percent mark in a statewide race.  But the media will run to him in a minute for commentary.  He’ll trash a conservative in a heartbeat, and that’s just what the drive-bys want.

Thommy told his drive-by pals on Wednesday he was going to give Robinson until FRIDAY to resolve the whole controversy.  Anybody familiar with the whole Robinson hubbub knows this won’t be cleared up in 48 hours.  (Speaking of clearing up messes, Thom, how is it coming with returning all that money the bitcoin embezzlers sent to your PAC that was turned around and used to help Chuck Edwards defeat Madison Cawthorn?)

Here is the message Tillis and his RINO cadre want to leave with the rest of us: “These MAGA nut jobs screwed up an incredible opportunity for us in 2024.  We can’t allow these people anywhere near the driver’s seat of this party ever again.”

Bank on it.

And then there is Chapel Hill Republican Bradford Blaise Briner IV.  Most of his general election campaign for treasurer has involved trashing retiring state treasurer Dale Folwell (R).  Two of the people B. Blaise Briner IV reports to at work — Michael Bloomberg and Steven Rattner — are renowned enemies of the GOP.  Rattner was an economic advisor to Barack Obama and oversaw the federal takeover of the Detroit auto industry.

In the 2024 race for treasurer, it’s hard to tell WHO is the (R) and who is the (D).   (Blaise took the Democrat ballot in the 2020 primaries.)

But ol’ Blaise knows what’s best for the (R) club.  Read for yourself:

The word on the street has been that the RINOs were hoping Robinson would quit, so that Thom Tillis could be inserted as the replacement nominee for governor.  Thom was a bigger, more intimidating villain during his time in Raleigh.  (*He apparently misses it.*)

The real finger-pointing here needs to be directed at all of the consultants and other establishment figures who kept their mouths shut about Robinson and kept using him for fundraising purposes.  The donors and voters were kept in the dark and the cash kept rolling in.  Life was good (for the Raleigh political class).

We heard well before the primary that the left had a bunch of dirt on Robinson.  Their plan, we were told, was to sit on it, hope he wins the primary, and then smack him with it at crunch time in the general election.  If that was the plan, it worked like a charm.

Michael Whatley HAD to know about this stuff for some time.   Could he — or should he — have warned Trump before the endorsements?

Whatley’s strategy now is apparently to act like he doesn’t know Robinson. 

It seems like just yesterday when Whatley was boasting to a drive-by about being the first party official to denounce the January 6 folks.

The real shame is if we let the GOPe, the media and the other leftists succeed in basically criminalizing *offensive* speech.  Being rude and crude is not against the law.

There are other concerns about Robinson that just might be.  There’s the whole Balanced Nutrition affair.  (Mark & Yolanda could have addressed it and all its associated concerns over a year ago.  But they clammed up and played dumb. So here we are, at crunch time, still talking about it.) 

There’s the question of who paid the $30,000 per week rent on the luxurious beachfront mansion at Virginia Beach?  An illegal gift in return for a *favor* to be named later?

And let’s not forget the two federal Paycheck Protection loans.