“The ONLY remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.”

Riiiiiight.  You folks in Charlotte — THAT is your tax dollars at work.

Roy Cooper thinks critical race theory (CRT) is great stuff.  So does Moe Green, the Democrat nominee for state superintendent of public instruction.  So do most of the fat, happy, and arrogant PhDs roosting in the offices of the Raleigh NC DPI HQ and your county’s school central office.

Unfortunately, so does incumbent superintendent of public instruction and alleged Republican Catherine Truitt.  She told her liberal pals that in Raleigh the other day.  Truitt said right-wingers are making much ado over nothing. (It’s likely one of the big reasons she lost in March’s GOP primary.)

That trio also falls into the same cohort with radical academic Ibram X. Kendi.  (The schools’ central office and teacher union crowd LOVES that guy.)

CRT labels white male as longtime “oppressors” and calls for remedies and reparations for their so-called oppression. You and your children may not have been alive during Jim Crow or slavery, but this crowd sure wants to make sure you and they pay for what happened then. 

None of this crap is going to prepare your kids for college or make them more competitive in the job market and global economy.  It’s not about bringing us together as Americans.  It’s about tearing us, this country, and all that is great about it, to shreds.

You have a great chance in November to strike a blow against these race pimps peddling this CRT and DEI crap to our kids.  Vote Michele Morrow – a vocal opponent of CRT and DEI – into the top job at the NC Department of Public Instruction.   Voting Morrow in will push the radicals currently holding public education in a stranglehold into panic mode.  It will provide a great opportunity to halt the radical left’s rush to shove this country and its next generation over the cliff and into the abyss.