The FREEDOM Caucus?
Yep. One has been founded on Capitol Hill. The founding group includes NINE Republican House members — with Mark Meadows (NC) and Mick Mulvaney (SC) being the only members from The Carolinas. What is this group all about?:
Conservative lawmakers are officially rolling out a new group aimed at advancing a conservative agenda in the House of Representatives after they expressed discontent with the direction of the Republican Study Committee.
“Our main hope is that we can represent the voids and valleys for our constituents back home,” Rep. Raúl Labrador of Idaho told The Daily Signal today. “With a small group that is nimble and able to work on issues that are of importance to our constituents, we can make a difference in Congress.”
Called the House Freedom Caucus, the group serves as a conservative alternative to the Republican Study Committee, which has over 170 members. However, it was not formed to be “anti-RSC,” a Republican congressional aide told The Daily Signal last month.
Membership in the Freedom Caucus will be by invitation only, and the group plans to “advance an agenda of limited, constitutional government in Congress.” […]
“The House Freedom Caucus gives a voice to countless Americans who feel that Washington does not represent them” its mission statement says. “We support open, accountable and limited government, the Constitution and the rule of law, and policies that promote the liberty, safety and prosperity of all Americans.”
The Freedom Caucus has nine founding members: Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio,—the interim chairman—Labrador, Justin Amash of Michigan, Ron DeSantis of Florida, John Fleming of Louisiana, Scott Garrett of New Jersey, Mark Meadows of North Carolina, Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina and Matt Salmon of Arizona.
The new group will boast around 40 members, though there is no set cap according to Labrador, and more than 30 have signed on to the Freedom Caucus for its debut. Members of the group will suggest potential members and vote on their membership,
Labrador said.[…]
Interesting. My first thoughts: Where are Walter Jones or Thomas Massie? Those are two guys you would think would be tailor-made for something like this. Granted, most of these nine guys have been good soldiers against the establishment.
Also, if this group is so independent and anti-establishment, how come six of the nine founders supported the reelection of John Boehner as speaker? Where are the rest of the anti-Boehner rebels?
Don’t get me wrong. I think it is great any time any of our elected honorables step forward in the name of liberty and freedom from government tyranny. I hope this thing becomes a productive, effective force in House debate and policy-making and not just something else to slap on a political résumè.
It does need to be an anti-RSC, and its members should resign from the RSC. Boehner sent in Scalise as his stooge to take over the RSC, and it has since been neutered as a conservative group.
Boehner copied that trick from David Cameron, UK Prime Minister, who similarly orchestrated a takeover by his minions of the Conservative Party backbencher organization, the 1922 Committee, in the House of Commons to neutralize its conservative voice within the party.
The Freedom Caucus also has a good handle on its membership policies by being by invitation only. One problem with RSC is that anyone can join, even liberals like Renee Ellmers, and that is how Boehner was able to take it over.
“…six of the nine founders supported the reelection of John Boehner as speaker”
Hmm, how seriously could I possibly take someone’s pledge to advocate “an agenda of limited, constitutional government”, after such a vote?
Not really flying outta the gate there… 🙂
All talk, no action. A new National Conservative Party needs to be organized. Even Pander Paul is speaking up against voter ID.
Mick Mulvaney and Labrador are pro-amnesty.