Paving the way for censorship. (Oh, and Kamala LOVES Thommy.)

I’m old enough to remember Hurricane Katrina and its impact on New Orleans. New Orleans was /is a Democrat-voting city with a significant number of racial minorities in its population.  The US president at the time was a Republican.  So, that meant raining hell-fire on the administration in Washington.  Anything that came out making the feds look bad was taken, and *reported* as gospel.

So, here we are with a new storm and a DEMOCRAT in The White House.  A really bad storm has wreaked havoc across a region of the southern United States.  The population of the area hit by the storm happens to be mostly white and Republican-voting.  Therefore, the rule is to now defend the administration in DC and FEMA to the hilt — no matter how poorly they respond to the storm. 

We’re getting reports on the ground from people in western NC about little to no FEMA presence and bureaucrats trying to hamstring relief efforts spearheaded by private sources.  Samaritan’s Purse is doing yeoman’s work all the way around, I understand. (Volunteer with them, or donate to them, if you can.)  Time and again, work by Samaritan’s Purse on disaster relief around the country and the world gets lauded as more efficient, more thorough, and more cost-effective than anything government entities could do. 

One would think there would be a universal outpouring of joy from seeing neighbors reaching out to help neighbors in need.  But, no.  The DC UniParty and their drive-by media enablers are experiencing some major butt-hurt.  And they are doing their best to make us feel their pain.

Conservatives have known for decades that most all politicians and drive-by *journalists* are pathological liars.  There have been many times where I’ve attended an event and then gone home to watch such twisted coverage that I thought the reporter and I were actually at two different events.

After sneering at us for decades for daring to question the integrity of what’s being dictated to us from DC, Raleigh and NYC, the Uniparty establishment is getting into the game.  They used to easily control the flow of information — back in the days when we had three TV networks and no Internet.  Now, there are so many options for information outside of overpriced cable TV.  We can get on-the-scene coverage of events before a package can be produced for the 5PM broadcast or the paper can be printed and tossed on our front yards. We don’t need the UniParty folks anymore as much as they thought we did. And they’re so not happy about it.

Joe Biden tried to set up a ‘disinformation’ office within the Department of Homeland Security.  That crazy chick Nina was his pick to run it, and ‘disinformation’ would be anything that raises questions about Bidenism.

Here’s Hillary Clinton divulging the game plan out loud.

Better yet, here’s that dirtbag Thom Tillis — never passing on an opportunity to *cross the aisle* and tinkle on the GOP base.  During the Trump administration, Tillis went on the air blasting Trump’s border wall.  Now, he’s aiding and abetting Donald Trump’s election opponent.  (Can 2026 get here any faster?)

He’s out there contradicting Donald Trump and his House colleague Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL), who has built quite a rep for himself by going on-scene, on-the-ground for disaster relief.

For Thom, it’s all about making and keeping lucrative friendships in DC.  If he has to sell out the base on Ukraine, limited government, immigration, federal spending, gun rights, and gay marriage, he’ll do it.  

in the end, it won’t be the government saving you.  Heck, we’ve still got people waiting for their homes to be repaired from storms that hit the state’s southeastern region in 2016.  Stuff like we’re seeing now — neighbors helping neighbors, volunteers and donations from Samaritan’s Purse and other private sources — has been the answer and will continue to be so.