N&O sobs over illegal aliens
There’s a lot of socialist crying going on. Much of it can be witnessed in the pages of McClatchy properties here in North Carolina, like this one:
Andrea would be able to take care of her friend’s cats, if she wasn’t worried about getting deported this fall. “I don’t know if I can be in charge of the cats. I could, but I don’t know what’s going to happen after September,” said Andrea, a 28-year-old Venezuelan living in Raleigh.
Soon, Andrea — who asked The News & Observer not to use her last name to protect her identity — will be one of the hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans in the United States who will lose the Temporary Protected Status that lets them live and work legally here. Her best friend, the cats’ owner, will lose her protection in April now that the Trump Administration rescinded the protection program for Venezuelans.
If they are deported back to Venezuela, they will leave the safe lives they’ve built, and their adored pets, behind.
“What do we do? We’re just up in the air,” Andrea said. On Feb. 5, the Trump Administration announced that Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, for over 348,000 Venezuelan immigrants will end April 7. TPS is only granted to migrants from countries experiencing civil unrest or violence, natural disasters or other crises. The rest of the roughly 600,000 TPS holders from Venezuela, including Andrea, will lose their status in September.
The protection was granted under the Biden Administration in 2021 and 2023 due to the country’s economic collapse under President Nicolás Maduro and the dangers to those who opposed him. Maduro is currently serving a third term after last year’s election, despite evidence that he lost. Migrants from the country in the United States were able to apply in 2021 for 18-month protection with renewal in 2023 when other nationals could apply
In its reversal, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said conditions in Venezuela have improved enough for people to return and that it was “contrary to the national interest” to allow Venezuelan nationals to continue to live and work in the United States. However, Andrea, who applied for TPS in 2021, said her family in Venezuela still rarely leaves their house.
The United Nations recently presented findings of human rights violations by the Venezuelan government and armed groups. “They don’t go out, they always fear. We don’t know who’s next or if there is safety,” she said.
“If we get deported, we could be treated as traitors. They’re saying that Venezuela is good now, but that is totally a lie.”[…]
The photos / videos that accompany this linked story feature people holding Harris-Walz campaign signs and Venezuelan flags. We don’t see any love for Old Glory. No talk about applying for citizenship.
Have you ever taken a good look at a map of Latin America and its relationship to the United States? To travel north from Venezuela to the United States, you have to bypass DOZENS of countries. DOZENS.
Now, I can understand not wanting to go to Cuba or Haiti. Talk about hot messes. But you can also choose from: Panama, Guyana, Costa Rica, and El Salvador.
El Salvador and their newly-elected president are winning rave reviews for their efforts to clean up the environment on the streets there. Grandparents are boasting about being able to walk with their grandchildren after dark.
Wait, there are more: Honduras, Guatemala, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Suriname, Brazil, and all of those Caribbean island vacation destinations (The Virgin Islands, Grenada, St. Lucia, etc.).
I’m all for people who want to come here out of a love for America and the American Dream. But I’ve had it with all of these people in the streets blocking traffic, waving Mexican flags, and calling us all bigots for wanting them to follow the law.
Why are people like those in this McClatchy article bypassing all of those countries to come here? Are we offering the best benefit$$$ package?
If you want to live here, follow the law. Pay your taxes. Learn English. Pull your own weight to take care of yourself and your family.
The liberals who have baited all of you here want you dependent on government benefits AND the Democrat Party. They want you to help them turn our country into the dung-hole you just left.
The rest of us just want folks who are going to be good neighbors and play by the rules like we do.
Americans are getting tired of the sob stories of the scoflaw illegal aliens who deliberately violated our immigration laws to break into our country. These arrogant freeloaders are breaking in line ahead of people who apply legally to immigrate. What about them? We have waiting lists in most countries of qualified legal applicants to immigrate, who have been fully vetted, with full background checks including criminal records and full medical ebaluation. The legal applicants also must show skills and support where they will not become a charge on our welfare system, and are in fact, legally not eligible for welfare for the first five years they are in the US. If we need more immigrants, these are the people who we need to let in.
In contrast, illegal aliens have no medical evaluation, no proof they can support themselves, no criminal record check, and many lie about their real names, ages, and other matters. Nobody checks anything on them. Most are unskilled and none of them have to show support where they will not become a public charge. Indeed, the mayor of New York CIty has revealed that presently half of the hotel rooms there are occupied by illegal aliens at taxpayer expense.
Then there is the crime problem, not only of very violent crime gangs like El Salvador’s MS13 and Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua, but hordes of ordinary criminals. Every country that has a mass influx of illegal aliens soon has a spike in crime. Here is a good compilation of news articles on some of the actual crimes committed by illegal aliens; .https://www.beaufortcountynow.com/post/78910/illegal-alien-migrants-behaving-badly-migrants-and-crime-newly-updated.html
The arrogant sense of “entitlement” of people who willfully and wantonly violate our immigration laws is astounding. They have no inherent right to be here, and polling shows that a solid majority of Americans want to send them home.