#ncpol: The cold hard reality on the immigration issue
US senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama), one of the few gutsy, real men left in Capitol Hill’s Republican ranks, has laid out a powerful prosecution of the federal government’s negligence in protecting our borders and enforcing immigration laws. Sessions, chairman of the subcommittee on immigration and the national interest, has published a Chart Book laying out the facts of current immigration policy in easy-to-understand detail:
[…] The overwhelming majority of immigration to the United States is the result of our visa policies. Each year, millions of visas are issued to temporary workers, foreign students, refugees, asylees, and permanent immigrants for admission into the United States. The lion’s share of these visas are for lesser-skilled and lower-paid workers and their dependents who, because they are here on workauthorized visas, are added directly to the same labor pool occupied by current unemployed jobseekers. Expressly because they are admitted into the U.S. on legal immigrant visas, most will be able to draw a wide range of taxpayer-funded benefits, and corporations will be allowed to directly substitute these workers for Americans.
Improved border security would have no effect on the continued arrival of these new foreign workers, refugees, and permanent immigrants—because they are all invited here by the federal government. The most significant of all immigration documents issued by the U.S. is, by far, the “green card.” When a foreign citizen is issued a green card it guarantees them the following benefits inside the United States: lifetime work authorization, access to federal welfare, access to Social Security and Medicare, the ability to obtain citizenship and voting privileges, and the immigration of their family members and elderly relatives.
Under current federal policy, the U.S. issues green cards to approximately 1 million new Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) every single year. For instance, Department of Homeland Security statistics show that the U.S. issued 5.25 million green cards in the last five years, for an average of 1.05 million new legal permanent immigrant annually. These ongoing visa issuances are the result of federal law, and their number can be adjusted at any time with a new federal law.
However, unlike other autopilot policies—such as tax rates or spending programs—there is virtually no national discussion or media coverage over how many visas we issue, to whom we issue them and on what basis, or how the issuance of these visas to individuals living in foreign countries impacts the interests of people already living in this country.[…]
Here are some of the highlights of his report:
- The US will issue more green cards over the next ten years than the combined current populations of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina COMBINED.
- Over the next 50 years, the birth rate of new immigrants will exceed that of current Americans by 7-to-1.
- Immigration adds ONE Los Angeles — increases the US population by an amount roughly equivalent to the population of that California city — every three years.
- Flow of immigrants to grow 700 percent above 1970s levels by 2060.
- US issued 680,000 green cards to immigrants from Muslim nations over the last five years.
- Regarding migrants from the Middle East: 91.4 % on food stamps, 68.3% on cash welfare.
- America has ten million more foreign-born residents than the entire European Union. (Watching the news lately?: See how “well” things are working over there?)
- The US has six times more migrants than ALL of Latin America combined.
- US to legally admit more new immigrants over the next decade than the combined populations of: Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Denver, St. Louis and Dallas.
And here’s a wee bit more food for thought:
[…] The predominant supply of low-wage immigration into the United States occurs legally, and the total amount of immigration to the
United States has risen dramatically over the last four decades. Under current federal policy, the U.S. issues “green cards” to about one million new Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) every single year. For instance, according to the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. issued 5.25 million green cards in the last five years, for an average of 1.05 million new permanent immigrants annually. New lifetime immigrants admitted with green cards gain guaranteed legal access to federal benefits, as well as guaranteed work authorization. LPRs can also petition to bring their relatives to the United States, and both the petitioner and the relatives can become naturalized citizens.
[…] In the post-World War II boom decades of the 1950s and 1960s, annual legal admissions were roughly two-thirds lower, averaging together less than 3 million grants of permanent residency per decade—or about 285,000 annually. Moreover, due to a variety of factors, including lower stay rates and stay incentives, the total foreign-born population in the United States actually declined from about 10.3 million in 1950 to 9.7 million in 1960 and 9.6 million in 1970. During this economic period, compensation for American workers nearly doubled.
These lower midcentury immigration levels were the product of a federal policy change—after the last period of large-scale immigration that had begun in roughly 1880, President Coolidge argued that a slowing of immigration would benefit both U.S.-born and immigrant-workers: “We want to keep wages and living conditions good for everyone who is now here or who may come here. As a nation, our first duty must be to those who are already our inhabitants, whether native or immigrants. To them we owe an especial and a weighty obligation.”
Yet the immigration “reform” considered by Congress most recently—the 2013 Senate “Gang of Eight” immigration bill— would have tripled the number of green cards issued over the next 10 years. Instead of issuing 10 million grants of legal permanent residency, the Gang of Eight proposal would have issued at least 30 million grants of legal permanent residency during the next decade (or more than 3 times the entire population of the state of North Carolina). Finally, it is worth observing that the 10 million grants of new permanent residency under current law is not an estimate of total immigration. In fact, increased flows of legal immigration actually tend to correlate with increased flows of illegal immigration: the former helps provide networks and pull factors for the latter. Most of the top-sending countries for legal immigration are also the top-sending countries for illegal immigration.
Additionally, the U.S. legally issues each year a substantial number of temporary visas which provided opportunities for visa overstays, a major source of illegal immigration. The Census Bureau therefore projects that absent a change in federal policy, net immigration (the difference between the number coming and the number going) will total 14 million by 2025.Not only is the population of foreign-born at a record level, but Census projects that, in just eight years, the percentage of the country that is foreignborn will reach the highest level ever recorded in U.S. history, with more than 1 in 7 residents being foreign-born and, unlike the prior wave, surge towards 1 in 6 and continually upward, setting new records each and every year. […]
Pretty much the entire North Carolina delegation to Congress has been bad on the immigration issue. Walter Jones and Mark Meadows are the two exceptions — having been the most consistent on border security and opposing amnesty. Renee Ellmers and Robert Pittenger have been praised by pro-amnesty groups for their dedication to the cause. Everybody who has voted FOR these CRomnibus spending bills has voted FOR the funding of amnesty and sanctuary cities. In the Senate, Thom Tillis voted to keep funding amnesty and sanctuary cities. (At least he’s a man of his word. He told us what he was going to do in the Senate race.) Burr voted for cloture on the CRomnibus, but voted against the bill — a move that makes him just as complicit in the matter as Tillis.
Out of control immigration is breaking our country with the strain it’s putting on the social welfare net. It’s killing job opportunities for Americans, and driving down wages for everyone. Don’t let these politicians fool you. Immigration is a huge problem — a huge issue — facing our country.
Wonder when the debt-ladened liberal arts graduates who just love, love, love Obama, Hillary and all those open minded, feel good Democrats are going to wake up to the fact that their messiah (s) gave all of their jobs away to less educated foreigners?
This election is all about one issue — immigration. And the only candidate who is calling it like it is is TRUMP.
Trump talks a real good game on illegal immigration these days, but it is not too long ago that he had opposite opinions. He supported Obama’s ”Dreamer” program as recently as 2013.
Even worse, in the last few days, Trump has talked of becoming ”a little bit establishment” to do deals with Democrats and alluded to the 1986 amnesty deal as an example:
I trust Ted Cruz a heck of a lot more on immigration than I do Trump, but a would take a chance on Trump before I would support an amnesty whore like Bush, Rubio, Christie, or Kasich.
This video shows the cold hard reality of Trump’s gambit on immigration:
As late as last year, Trump was still for a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens. I think he would disappoint many want to believe his recent tough talk on immigration.
I find it telling that the leader of the opponents of illegal immigration in the House, Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) has endorsed Ted Cruz and is right now traveling around Iowa with Senator Cruz on his campaign bus. That speaks volumes about who it is who is really the strongest voice against illegal immigration and who will do what he says.
I remember another candidate, one I gave money to, who made opposition to illegal immigration a huge part of his campaign. Most of us outside his state did not know that he had been an active supporter of amnesty in a previous office. We just saw his campaign ads and frequent comments in speeches about how strongly opposed to amnesty he was in his Senate campaign. He won his election, in large part due to his strong position against amnesty, but then we got to see his true colors. His name was Marco Rubio, and he immediately forgot all of his campaign promises and went back to his old position of supporting amnesty. He did that almost immediately after having been sworn in. Rubio duped the voters of Florida and his contributors around the country by running under false colors, claiming a position that would get him elected, even if it were not his true position.
I fear we may get the same result with Trump, who had a history not too long before getting into the presidential race of supporting amnesty. Is his change genuine or is it stage managed for political benefit and he will change right back like Rubio? I would rather not take that chance. I will stick with the candidate I know I can trust on illegal immigration, Ted Cruz.
Yep Marco is a good example of Tea Party to RINO in seconds flat. Reminds me very much of Hasan Harnett the NCGOP chairman who had done nothing but promote Dallas Woodhouse to the point of being incompetent.
The full story of Marco Rubio’s calculated deception on the illegal immigration issue is as
Europe is seeing a lot of political leaders who have seen reality on the current massive flow of Muslim migrants into Europe.
The President of the Czech Republic has called it an organized invasion that will destroy Europe, and has called for responding to it as an invasion.
The Prime Minister of the Netherlands has compared the Muslim migrants to the barbarians who overran and destroyed the Roman Empire, and warned that Europe would meet the same fate if they were not stopped.
The Prime Minister of Hungary has warned that the Muslim migrants will destroy Europe’s culture, and built 14 foot walls patrolled by army troops on the entire Serbian and Croatian borders to keep them out. Polls show that 82% of Hungarians support his strong stand on immigration He has also called on the EU to build a similar wall along the northern border of Greece to keep the Muslim migrants out.
The Prime Minister of France has just warned that ”Europe could die very quickly” if the Muslim migrant flood was not halted.
Add the Prime Minister of Slovakia who says that Europe is committing ritual suicide with its migrant policy:
Some very dangerous diseases are being brought into the country by illegal immigration and they pose a big danger to our public health. The Zika virus is merely the latest:
You are 100% correct John and here are 2 other very good resources that document the horrific diseases specifically being brought here unchecked.
Facts About Disease and Illegal Aliens: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=af6_1185596561&comments=1
8 Ways Illegals Make You Sick: http://ncfire.info/Illegal%20Alien%20Health%20Report.pdf
Thom Tillis, Ellmers, Fox, and the rest of the Rinos are fighting every day to flood this nation with low skilled immigrants. Just take a look at the latest omnibus spending bill which will place millions of immigrants on the backs of the tax payers.
According to the liberal FBI director these immigrants can can not be properly screened or tracked.
Anyone who voted for Paul Ryan for speaker has summoned a tidal wave of immigrants. The removal of Boehner was a blow to this country’s immigration problem because Paul Ryan is more pro immigration than Boehner.
92 percent of all Republicans polled want something done about immigration and what does the Establishment do? Chose a leader ,Paul Ryan , who will flood this nation with millions of low skilled immigrants. Talk about ignoring the electorate. Mark Meadows plan to oust Boehner and replace him with the RINO Ryan was a huge blow to curbing mass immigration in this country.
You left out Tricky Dick Burr who voted for the omnibus on the most critical vote, the one on cloture. Burr is as big a culprit as the others. He cannot hide with his sleazy and dishonest practice of voting for the bill (on the important vote) before he votes against it, which he learned from Lindsay Grahamnesty.
You are correct, Burr has turned a blind eye and done his part to flood this nation with illegal immigrants. Unfortunately, Burr,would rather spy on law abiding American citizens, then get this nation’s immigration problem solved. Burr’s use of the cloture vote is a despicable tactic used to fool drive-by Republicans and Tillis has learned, quickly from the senior senator.
Dallas Woodhouse’s main man Tillis is worse than Burr. Can Dallas site any examples where Thom Tillis is any different than Kay Hagan? Can Dallas site any examples where Tillis has voted to cut immigration? Can Dallas site any examples where Tillis has voted to cut federal spending? Can Dallas site any examples of Tillis or Burr using the power of the purse to defeat Obama Care. No he can’t because there aren’t any. If Dallas Woodhouse is for a candidate I am against them. Why do we have democrats like Dallas running the NCGOP? Dallas Woodhouse is completely out of touch with the Republican Party.
Europe has seen what these Third World migrants bring, particularly the Muslim variety. For years, every European country that let them in has seen rape and other sex offenses skyrocket. This past New Years Eve, most states in Germany saw organized gang sex assaults on German women by Muslim migrants. Cologne had it worst with hundreds of victims and thousands of perpetrators. Similar organized attacks by Muslim migrants on European women happened the same evening in Austria, Switzerland, Finland, and Sweden.
Now the focus of Muslim migrants seemed to be on sexual assaults at public baths and swimming facilities, which is going on several places in Europe. Here is an article from a major British newspaper on the latest one:
Can’t you just wait for Obama to bring these swine to our country?
95 million Americans out of the labor force, 65% labor participation rate among Americans, but elitists like Richard Burr, Virginia Foxx, Renee Ellmers & David Rouzer have been consistently in the corner of illegals Immigrants over Americans. Voting records don’t lie and the American people are paying attention, and we’re fed up. We have outstanding conservatives challenging each of these elitists.
Hell, I’m missing the boat! All I have to do is contact ISIS and get a fake Syrian passport. Then I can get free welfare and food stamps!
Drudge is reporting that thousands of CUBAN refugees are now crossing the southern border in Texas!
All these immigrants will take jobs away from legal American citizens, and the ones that will be hardest hit will be the African American community. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate in the black community is 10.2%, about twice the national average.
Enjoy your “Hope ‘N Change” folks!
You do not even have to deal with ISIS. There is a booming business in fake Syrian passports in both Turkey and Lebannon. Then you can grow Paul Ryan style facial hair so you will look like a Muslim.
But how can this be? Our Messiah, Hussein Obama has criticized us “Nativists” for being opposed to Syrian “widows & orphans” coming here.
But lo and behold, the great majority of these refugees are “military age” males! (Shhhhhh, Radagast, thou shalt not blaspheme The Messiah)!
And of course John, they will be thoroughly vetted to make sure they’re not Islamic Jihadist Terrorists, masquerading as poor Syrian refugees, right?……………………right?……………………
How do I know that? Because White House Paid Liar Josh Earnest told me so!