#ncpol: Beaufort Co. GOP chairman calls for Woodhouse ouster

It appears the natives are getting restless.  Check out this email sent by Beaufort County GOP chairman Keith Kidwell to his colleagues and other party leaders around the region and state:


Sunday evening I received an email that discussed a letter that was mailed out by the NCGOP that was a clear endorsement of a particular candidate. Since I had not received the letter in question, and not being the type of person that who jumps to an uninformed conclusion, I started doing some reading at an online publication to see what it had to say. On Monday I called Chairman Harnett and asked him what had happened. He indicated to me that Director Woodhouse the NCGOP Executive Director had in fact prepared, had printed and the Chairman’s signature applied to a letter endorsing a candidate and soliciting funds for that candidate without consulting the Chairman at any point. It would appear that this is clear violation of the party plan of organization and possibly has legal ramifications, as well as an extreme display of poor judgment.

Having been in management my entire life I find it reprehensible for someone to assume it is OK for them to sign or have someones signature applied to any document without specific permission. Mr. Woodhouses position as the NCGOP Executive Director, which would by it’s nature mandate sound managerial judgement always be exercised has clearly failed in displaying that basic standard. This also puts the NCGOP in a very bad position in that it has violated the trust of our leadership, which is one of the main issue that drives so many Republicans to change to unaffiliated. We are the standard bearers of Free and Fair Elections! Then we do something like this? The most important job we have to do as party officials is to win free and fair elections. This action flies in the face of everything Republican. How do we dare to complain about voting anomalies, or democrats failing to follow rules, and then we can not even follow our own party rules?

Today I read an apology from Director Woodhouse, but I do not feel this is sufficient. I leave it to you to pick from the following possibilities.

1. Director Woodhouse lacks the managerial experience and judgment to serve in the job he is in,.
2. This was done with forethought and the Director felt it is better to ask forgiveness than ask permission that would be withheld.
3. The Director just ignored the law and the plan of organization.

None of the above possibilities are qualities one would expect from a person in the position of Executive Director of the NCGOP. With that in mind we are in the process of drawing up a resolution that will seek to have the NCGOP Executive Committee/Central Committee terminate Mr. Woodhouse’s employment.

I welcome your input and comments.