#ncga: GOPers celebrated by solar subsidy lobby

The folks who have feasted in our wallets for years to fund their solar energy follies spend time this past week celebrating the NCGA Republicans who have been so good to them.  The North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association (NCSEA) honored state Reps. Chuck McGrady (R-Asheville) and Jason Saine (R-Tom James Co.),  And senators Jerry Tillman (R-Randolph and Moore), Brent Jackson (R-Autryville) and Jeff Tarte (R-Mecklenburg) as LEGISLATORS OF THE YEAR.

These guys were hailed for confiscating my and your money to subsidize something that could not possibly survive on its own wiimages-6thout funding confiscated from us. (Even though the NCGOP party platform specifically called for the elimination of such deals.)   People like this who sell out the GOP’s limited government message for a little cronyism and some dirty money make us sick around here.

If you’re looking for some good candidates to primary, these FIVE would be a great group to start with.