#ncga: Get off my lawn! (The solar panels and the envelopes of cash can STAY.)
I have been told that, if you really want to know what Tim Moore, David Lewis, and Nelson Dollar are up to, keep an eye on Jimmy Dixon. The Duplin Republican is staking himself out as Frank Nitti to Speaker Timmy’s Al Capone. (Or, more realistically, the Stimpy to Speaker Timmy’s Ren.)
Apparently, somebody let the mean old man use the email:
On Dec 7, 2016, at 3:04 PM, Michael Wiggins (Rep. Jimmy Dixon) > wrote:
Members & Advisors, Rep. Dixon wanted me to forward to you this stakeholder meeting notice for 10:00am on December the 20th. As stated in the notice, this is his attempt to further inform himself on the issues noted for discussion. He will preside and conduct the meeting to ensure productive use of the time. Please feel free to attend and participate if your schedule will permit. You can email or call us with questions or suggestions. Thanks, Michael Wiggins From: Michael Wiggins (Rep. Jimmy Dixon) Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 4:15 PM
Subject: Renewable Energy Stakeholder Meeting
This is to inform and invite you to attend a stakeholders’ meeting that I will be convening at 10:00 am on Tuesday December 20, 2016 in 415 LOB. The purpose of this
discussion is to better inform myself of our current status regarding implementation of SB 3 passed about ten years ago and to discuss what if any adjustments might need to be considered as we now have about a decade of experience from which to make future decisions. Having been in the General Assembly now for six years, I believe that the citizenry of our state is best served when quality discussions between stakeholder groups and legislators represents an integral part of the legislative process. That has not always been the case in recent years on this issue. Please consider this proposed agenda that can be adjusted with your input in consultation with staff no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, December 14, 2016.
Agenda, December 20, 10 am, 415 LOB
1. Opening Remarks Rep. Dixon and Other Legislators Present
2. Introduction of Stakeholder Groups
Roundtable Discussion
(a) How was the 12.5% by 2021 set
(b) How was the 80% property tax abatement set
(c) Connectivity and interconnection queue issues
(d) Property allocation for tax purposes
(e) Decommissioning Bonding
12:00 Noon Adjourn
A second meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 5, 2015 at 10 am in 415 LOB. Should of any of the stakeholders like to meet with me prior to the meeting, I am available to schedule a meeting December 7-9 between 10 am and 2 pm. Any stakeholder that is interested in scheduling a meeting with me on these dates and times should contact my office at (919) 715-3021 or contact my Legislative Assistant –Michael Wiggins via Cell Phone # (252) 933-7416
Thank you, Representative Dixon
*Oh, did he mention to be sure to bring FAT WADS of CASH with you?*
THIS is all about the taxpayer subsidies for those solar panels you see popping up like weeds all over the place. The solar lobby spent BIG on Speaker Timmy and his team this year, and they are expecting to collect on that investment this coming session. Solar is a big boondoggle. It’s a waste of money. And it is NOW crystal clear that House leadership is ready and waiting to collect even more cash in return for continuing to put us on the hook for subsidizing this industry.
Oh, by the way. These meetings are being held in public facilities. So, if you have time — show up at any of these with video cameras. *Jimmy (and Timmy) will really appreciate it.*
“The solar lobby spent BIG…”
That is a VERY funny statement if you look at what the oil industry lobby has spent and continues to spend to keep legislators in their pockets. Pretty “slick”.
The oil industry are not the parasitic pests that the green energy scam is. They do not owe their existence to massive taxpayer subsidies and government mandates that drive up consumer electric rates like the green energy bandits do.
The NC Department of Revenue estimated that the cost to taxpayers of the corporate welfare in subsidies to the solar energy bandits just in the so-called Safe Harbor bill, which wound down those subsidies, was nearly a billion dollars. That billion dollars of corporate welfare should have been spent on highways or roads.
In its last rate hike request, Duke Energy cited the higher cost of renewable (wind and solar) electricity in filing for a rate increase on NC consumers. National studies have shown that electric rates are rising fastest for consumers in those states with renewable energy mandates like NC. Countries that have gone whole hog on renewables like Germany have seen electric rates for consumers triple.
NC taxpayers and electric consumers can simply not afford the expensive renewable energy boondoggle. We need to rid ourselves of the Solyndra Republicans within our ranks.
Any documentation on that or are you just looking up the talking point in your radical progressive handbook? It would seem pretty silly for oil lobbyists to spend here in NC since there is little to no drilling to ever happen. The solar goons on the other hand have their tentacles all over NC.
Jimmy DIxon is one of the key progressive Republicans who are doing all they can to protect President Obama’s green energy legacy. We in the hard core environmental movement salute him, as well as our other key progressive Republicans who are defending President Obama’s green energy policies like Tim Moore, Nelson Dollar, John Szoka, and David Lewis.
It was progressive Democrats who got the green energy agenda rolling with SB3, but now we depend on progressive Republicans like Dixon, Dollar, Moore, Lewis, and Szoka to keep it alive. Almost all Republican legislators opposed SB3 when it passed, but by passing around enough ”green” we are able to buy into the GOP caucus with its progressive, Obama oriented members.
It particularly helped when our hard core environmental movement dropped a big load of ”green” on progressive Republican consultants Dee Stewart and Paul Shumaker to buy their services for our progressive cause/
Also keep an eye on freshman Republican Rep. Larry Strickland of Johnston County. He hasn’t even begun to serve and has already received a lot of solar $$$.
That clearly pegs him as a prostitute to this leftwing special interest, and an opponent of the GOP platform.
Jimmy Dixon seems to have gone totally Tom Steyer / George Soros. Dixon is the legislative frontman for the radical environmentalists of the CCA who are trying to put our commercial fishing industry out of business for good. Now, Dixon is also the frontman for the corrupt radical moochers of the renewable energy mafia, another far left environmentalist bunch with their grubby hands deep in our pockets.
Maybe, Jimmy Dixon’s constituents need to figure out that he is in the wrong party and replace him with a real Republican in the next primary instead of that turkey. Dixon is clearly an enemy of the common people; the taxpayers, the electric ratepayers, and the seafood lovers. Lets drain the swamp, and DIxon is one swamp turkey who needs to go.