NC Democrats offer peek at plan to divide conservatives, McCrory


The North Carolina Democrat Party realizes they have a sorry record and sorry gubernatorial and presidential candidates to present to the state’s voters in November 2012.  So, they are resorting to pointing out the flaws in their opponents — primarily targeting former Charlotte mayor Pat McCrory.

It’s no secret that conservatives have had some heartburn with a number of McCrory’s policy decisions while serving as mayor of The Queen City.  NC Democrat HQ in Raleigh has announced the launch of a new web site, on January 3, at .  The site will reportedly document  past McCrory actions that contradict his current conservative-sounding rhetoric on the campaign trail. In other words, Democrat HQ will be gleefully pointing out how ol’ Pat may sound conservative in 2011-2012, but he GOVERNED Charlotte in a not-so-conservative manner.

* SIGH *  Great.