NC-02: A shot across Raleigh’s bow from district GOPers

They’re getting rowdy in North Carolina’s Second District.  At last weekend’s district GOP convention, the delegates gave a rousing welcome toncgop Jim Duncan, Renee Ellmers’s Tea Party challenger. They passed a resolution condemning the use of corporate welfare or targeted incentives for economic development.

Another resolution that got approved this weekend took on party leaders in Raleigh:

Resolution # 1

WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Republican Party is charged by the
North Carolina State Republican Party Plan of Organization with the responsibility and the
authority to make decisions concerning the operations and policies of the North Carolina
Republican Party in the time periods between the meetings of the Party in Convention; and

WHEREAS, members of the said Executive Committee are constantly solicited by the said Party
and its officers for financial support of Party operations and salaries; and

WHEREAS, members of the Central Committee and the said Executive Committee volunteer
their time and serve in such capacities entirely at their own expense; and

WHEREAS, decisions have been made at the behest of some Party officers concerning salaries
and benefits paid to officers without the approval of the Central Committee and unbeknownst
to members of the said Executive Committee;tea

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the North Carolina Republican Party Second Congressional
District proposes that any compensation paid to the Chairman and any other officer of the
Party for his or her service be limited to a salary negotiated and approved by the North Carolina
Republican Party Central Committee and, subsequently, reported to the Executive Committee.
In addition to said salary, the Chairman and any other officer of the Party may receive standard
reimbursement for travel, food, and accommodations expenses which are necessary to carry
out his or her official duties.

What was the thinking behind this?  One major player in the district’s GOP organization filled us in:

“When Claude Pope came in he set his own salary at $10,000 a month.  He said that he was elected and the governor wanted him as chairman so this was what he felt he was worth. That did not set well with the central committee. Some supported him, but some of us have been against it. There has been rebellion in the ranks. Claude was told not to run again. The Governor’s sanctioned candidate is now this fellow Craig Collins, but the grassroots know this and they are balking. This resolution is meant to send a message to Raleigh that the grassroots in the Second District and beyond are watching.”