Lt. Dan takes on The N&O. “Special Needs” Speck is miffed.
I’ve watched the N&O for a long time. It’s changed ownership, but the paper still has an amazing talent for trolling j-schools and scooping up smarmy, arrogant tools and dropping them into the politics beat. (Rob Christensen was, by far, the worst of these.)
It’s clear these newly-recruited nimrods are quickly programmed to aid and abet the drum-circle crowd in any way they can. This Speck kid they have out there now is giving Rob “Rielle Who” a real run for his money as the worst, most biased, most unprofessional denizen ever to inhabit that money-bleeding paper’s newsroom.
Ol’ “Special Needs” perpetrated quite a smear of Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest the other day. (And we did our darnedest to smack his peach-fuzz covered face for it. )
Lt. Dan fired back at The N&O for Speck’s hit piece, and that got ol’ Special Needs a wee bit miffed:
SO, this genius thinks he knows more than the lieutenant governor — who has been a partner in one of the largest and most successful architecture firms in the state?
I’ve got a couple decades of experience in professional journalism. (So, don’t try that same line with me, little boy.)
The problem that I — and Lt. Dan — had with the original story was the stretching out of context. Speck likes to copy from Twitter and Facebook and call that “news-gathering.”
The hit piece he perpetrated on Forest was lifted pretty much from ThinkProgress, a far-left pretty-darn Marxist activist group. They get funding from Soros. (So, Forest did not make a false statement.)
This wasn’t the first time that a Soros-funded group has fed Speck dirt which ended up in the pages of the N&O under Speck’s byline. How can you portray yourself off as a fair and balanced journalist when you consider ThinkProgress a fair, viable, accurate source on conservatives?
Forest’s press release mostly featured important details that Speck and his editors neglected to include in the original article — which would have made the original article more fair and balanced.
I could write non-stop for years on the bias and lack of ethics in the N&O’s political coverage. The N&O thinks it is a statewide paper, but it targets the ICE-hating, abortion-loving drum circle crowd living inside the Raleigh beltline. There are a lot of potential customers these people are writing off and dismissing thanks to their staff of nasty, lazy punk kids like Speck.
Perhaps they’ll realize their missteps when McClatchy’s creditors finally come to seize The N&O’s offices and furnishings.
Why do they bother even having someone with a by-line? The N&O could electronically lift it from ThinkProgress and publish it without having some doofus re-type it. Heck, they could have a computer programmer do that in minutes and save on Speck’s salary. At least that would be a more honest way of doing things