L’affaire Wood: Obstruction of Justice?

It’s not looking good for North Carolina’s state auditor.  We’ve been bombarded with coverage of an early December car crash involving Beth Wood and a state-owned car.

Video footage making its rounds on social media purportedly shows the immediate aftermath of the crash.  The videographer can be heard saying he hears someone shouting “Get her out of here.”  You can see a woman who resembles Wood rushing into a nearby building in the company of what appears to be two more women.  Two men — a white man in a dark suit and a black man in an orange hat, dark clothes, and red(?) shoes —  can be seen standing on the sidewalk examining the wreckage.

WHO are those FOUR people — the two women and two men?  What did they see? What did they know about the incident?  Did any of them encourage Wood to leave the scene before the police got on the scene?  If so, you could make a case that they were trying to throw a monkey wrench in a potential police investigation.  Obstruction of justice, in other words.  (That’s a crime.)

Ironically, this would have happened in front of the former state attorney general’s law office.

Beth Wood might not be the only person who has some ‘splainin’ to do in the wake of this incident.