Justice Ginsburg: SC’s senator Graham a GIRL
So, either she’s made an observation that would get a conservative-leaning person FRIED in the driveby media, or she’s as senile and brain-dead as a 2×4. (Kinda makes you feel all warm and fuzzy about such a person making life-changing decisions for ALL OF US.) :
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg appeared to erroneously label South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham as one of the “women of the Senate” on Monday.
Ginsburg’s statement came in her remarks upon accepting an Allegheny College award given to her and the late Justice Antonin Scalia for civility in public life.
Hours after Justice Neil Gorsuch was sworn in to replace Scalia, Ginsburg took to the podium in calling
on lawmakers to work together, but appeared to identify South Carolina’s senior senator as a woman.
“I thought back to the 1993 confirmation of my nomination to the court—the hearing was altogether civil, the vote was 96 to 3. For Justice Scalia, the vote was unanimous,” Ginsburg said. “Let’s hope members of Congress, the members that Allegheny College has already honored — Vice President Joe Biden and Senator John McCain, the women of the Senate, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Lindsey Graham — let’s hope that they and others of goodwill will lead in restoring harmonious work ways.” […]
This comes on the heels of her common sense observation that men and women are different and need different things. I, for one, am developing a real appreciation for this woman in her twilight years.
At the rate she’s going, let her sit there until the coroner has to carry her out. (Maybe Trump can keep her going beyond that point with some kind of ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’-type stunt.)
Justice Ginsburg should retire or leave as Judge.
Justice Ginsburg has been brain dead for some time. She is just waiting for her body to catch up to her mind. Hopefully when Ginsburg’s gone the possibility for the Constitution’s life expendency may be extended depending on the next choice.
Ginsburg was either brain dead or just reciting the new Democrat dogma that your gender is what is in your head, not in your biology. There have been questions about Lindsay’s ”sexual preference” for years. A former SC Democrat state party chairman even once publicly called Graham ”Light in the Loafers” for that reason.
Unless Ginsburg was commenting from the Democrats’ new gender identity perspective, then she has demonstrated that she is senile enough that she needs to retire.
Add to the list of term or age limits: the Supremes and Federal judges.