In Raleigh & DC: “Slowing Down” = watering down or outright killing of legislation

mccrory foxx






According to a veteran politico friend of mine, supporters of certain reforms before either Congress or the legislature need to perk up their ears and pay close attention when they hear things like “slowing down” being uttered by elected officials:

“That is simply code for ‘We don’t like it’ or ‘We don’t want it.’  ‘We need to cut the heck out of it’ or ‘We need to make it go away.’  Some campaign contributors or top-flight supporters of powerful politicians are unhappy about the legislation. If you’re a diehard supporter of a certain issue, it is NOT a good sign for your side to hear the honorables talking like that.”

One such issue being “slowed down” appears to be voter ID legislation:

House Republicans announced plans Tuesday to begin moving the politically divisive voter photo ID bill through the legislature, saying they would slow walk it to give all parties the opportunity to comment.

GOP lawmakers, who have enough votes to pass the measure, disclosed a schedule that will begin with a public hearing on March 12 followed by two House committee meetings in which expert testimony will be heard. The bill will likely be introduced in late March and voted on by the House in mid-April.

“We are going to go through a very deliberative, response-full and interactive approach through public hearings so that we arrive at a policy that is fair and that takes into account legitimate reasons why voters may not have an ID and puts into effect a way in which those IDs can be issued,” Tillis said at a news conference attended by about 30 GOP House members.

Tillis said the measure – which would require voters to produce a photo identification such as a driver’s license when they go to the polls – had the support of nearly three-fourths of Tar Heel voters, according to polls.

It got debated and studied to death last session — before Bev vetoed it.  What is there to wait around for? What else do you need to know?  William “Slim” Barber’s opinion on the matter?  Tillis KNOWS 75 percent of voters want this.  It’s a winner.   A no-brainer.
Another issue that appears to be “slowing down” is the legislation to allow the management of Charlotte Douglas Airport be transferred from the City of Charlotte to a regional authority.   Senator Bob Rucho, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, has been pushing the legislation through.  (We’ve discussed a possible private sector solution to the whole matter, but it appears the politicos have their minds and hearts set on another route.)   Some Charlotte politicos — who frequently read and contribute to this site — see this development as Tillis and McCrory  teaming up and pulling the rug out from under Rucho.  
One comment from Tillis that really puzzled us was his description of the Charlotte airport as “an enormous success story.” Wait a minute. ISN’T IT $800 million in the hole?  Only in government could that be considered a success.