Gov. Doofus b****es at Duke Power about mess HE made
It must be good to have the news media fawning over every word you speak, and to never be held accountable for the words — no matter how nonsensical or harmful they are — coming out of your stupid mouth.
Such is the life of one Roy Assberry Cooper, the current googly-eyed resident of that big fenced-in state-owned property on Raleigh’s Blount Street.
Just the other day, Cooper was being fawned over by the drive-bys for jumping into the fight against “degradation of our cultural values.” Yep, this is the same low-T individual who squealed like a girl and encouraged economic boycotts of our state during the 2016 governor’s race because “MEN” were barred from ladies restrooms.
Now, he’s upset because Duke Power didn’t give enough advance warning to customers about the rolling blackouts they staged. Duke issued a statement claiming the blackouts were being instituted because they were struggling to meet customer demand during this very, very cold winter.
Why was there a struggle to meet demand? Well, Governor Assberry and his cohorts in Raleigh have, for years, been demanding the closure of electric power plants and moratoriums on new ones. Windmills and solar panels would fill the landscape and save us all, they told us.
Well, most of that hasn’t happened. Of course, the electric stuff has been closed and cancelled. Here’s a 2021 deal between Assberry and General Assembly “Republicans” on North Carolina’s move to “clean energy.” In with the unsightly bird-killing windmills, out with the electricity.
Here’s news of a 2020 shutdown of a Brunswick County electrical plant which sold electricity to Duke Power.
It’s really easy to fail to meet demand when the government is regulating your suppliers right out of business.
I hate to be in the position of defending Duke Power. They pretty much are the spawn of Satan. They, and Spectrum, are prime examples of why monopolies are so bad. But in this case, Duke has been victimized by Assberry and his “Republican” cohorts in Raleigh. All for some socialist environmental fantasies and big, fat campaign checks.
Once again, we are screwed by Raleigh, and they patronize us by feigning outrage over a mess THEY created.
Duke Power was a big player in HB951 which is the RINO legislation to get rid of reliable and cheap coal and gas to replace it with expensive and weather-dependant wind and solar. Duke Power is big in the ESG game and would rather score those ESG points than provide dependable and cheap power to their customers. I believe the Haymaker covered Duke’s participation in those secret meetings of “stakeholders” that created the Frankenstein monster of HB951.
Here is a full account of how NC Republicans got sold down the river by our legislative “leadership” in Raleigh on the Green New Deal:
Phil Berger and Tim Moore went full Greta Thunberg and directly against the energy policies of President Trump.
Cooper, Berger, and Moore are all pushing this wind and solar scam. They ought to take a look at what has happened other places that have pushed hard to replace reliable dispatchable power of coal, gas, and nuclear with intermittant sources like wind and solar. Blackouts become commonplace because wind and solar have a bad habit of petering out in cold snaps and heat waves. Ask an Australian, especially one from the “wind and solar superpower” (as its former Labour government called it), the state of South Australia. Closer to home, Texas has had that same problem last year.
Here in North Carolina, in a previous cold snap, six of the wind turbines up near Elizabeth City froze up, leaking large quantities of fluids containing carcinnogens onto the farmland below. Hopefully, nobody will try growing food crops on that land. Who wants a little cancer with their corn or beans?
Thomas Paine’s words of wisdom were either ignored or there was and is a void of knowledge. Those words being “the most formidable weapon against errors of any kind is reason .” It appears some have failed to reason RIGHT from WROOONG.!!
Repeal of HB951 is 6 times justified in one winter storm in one windmill complex.
I would not want the failure to do so on my forever conscious. But I’m not a Rino either. Can’t imagine that. Can’t reason that.