Gov. Bumpkin says DON’T BE DIVISIVE. (That’s HIS job.)



Rarely has anyone climbed so far so fast, with so little substance to his résumè and no record of significant positive accomplishments, than Roy Cooper.  During his sixteen years as state AG,  the most significant prosecutions occurred when  the feds stepped in and led the way.  (Roy would magically appear when the TV cameras would show up.)


The state crime lab, under Cooper’s watch,  got hit with screwing up so much forensic work that people got let out of jail.  The backlog in the lab was so bad that local governments were having to hire their own private subcontractors to do their forensics work.  And, of course, there were all the untested rape kits.


But, thanks to (1) a friendly,sycophant media, (2)lots of late-night voting in Durham, and (3) one of the most incompetent reelection efforts ever by the GOP incumbent,  Cooper now sits in state government’s top job.



It all seems like a bad dream.  Like waking up to learn that Forrest, Forest Gump is now sitting  behind the Resolute desk in The Oval Office.


Governor Bumpkin has worked overtime to repay the late-night Durham voters with some extreme, corrupt issue positions and policy decisions.  An independent investigation has determined that Cooper’s activities surround the Atlantic Coast Pipeline were borderline crooked.  Cooper has bashed the Jones Street Republicans for passing — among other things —  a partial birth abortion ban and a law requiring the state’s sheriffs to cooperate with federal lawmen in enforcing the law of the land.  The Great Bumpkin says things like that are “extreme,”  and quite frightening to people who hang out in Chapel Hill cocktail parties:


North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper told a conference of entrepreneurs and economic developers Tuesday that his veto can keep the state’s economy safe from unnecessary pitfalls.


Citing the effects that House Bill 2, the “bathroom bill,” had on the state’s economy, Cooper said the state needs to avoid “divisive social issues” that turn away talented workers and potential businesses.


The Associated Press estimated that the backlash against HB2, which included boycotts from across the country, cost the state nearly $4 billion. The law prohibited local governments from enacting antidiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people and required people in government facilities to use bathrooms matching the gender on their birth certificates. It was repealed in 2017.[…]


You HAVE to question the sanity of business leaders who make serious, multi-million dollar decisions about their businesses based on whether guys who dress like girls can use the ladies restroom.


Oh,  and let’s not forget that then-gubernatorial candidate (and incumbent AG) Roy Cooper was openly encouraging boycotts of the state he was then serving as attorney general and seeking to serve as governor.




[…] Cooper, a Democrat, said the state is still actively trying to overcome the image HB2 gave it.

“We still have work to do across this country to convince industry leaders and businesses far and wide that this kind of legislation was cooked up by some leaders that do not reflect the values of North Carolinians,” he said.


In an interview after his speech with reporters, the governor said the state’s entrepreneurial economy is “poised to take off” without political controversies, highlighting his veto of an abortion-related bill earlier this year.


That bill would have created new criminal and civil penalties for infanticide, specifically for situations in which a fetus survives an abortion procedure. It applied to doctors and nurses who don’t provide care for the surviving newborns. Supporters of the bill did not show evidence of that happening in North Carolina, and if it did, a perpetrator can already be charged with murder, The News & Observer previously reported.


“That kind of social, right-wing legislation is not good for business in North Carolina and most business people will tell you that,” he said. “…I think it’s important now that we’ve cleaned a lot of that up and are able to go forward and send a strong message that North Carolina values diversity, and that we’re open for business.”


Lauren Horsch, a spokeswoman for Republican state Senate Leader Phil Berger, responded to Cooper’s comments, saying in a statement, “Only a radical liberal would call a ban on post-birth abortions a socially divisive issue.”[….]


*Wow. It’s amazing how a high-paid state government job can change a person.*