Cherokee County GOP leader: Whatley sabotaged Madison Cawthorn’s reelection bid

THAT stunning accusation, ladies and gentlemen, comes from western NC Republican leader and social media influencer Margaret Ackiss and can be accessed in detail via video below OR this link.

Ackiss alleges that then-congressman Cawthorn, knee deep in scandal accusations during his reelection bid,  asked congressional district 11 party officials for a closed session to discuss his situation.  District officials, according to Ackiss, agreed.

During that closed session meeting, Ackiss alleges that NCGOP chairman Michael Whatley was meeting in Raleigh with Dallas Woodhouse.  Ackiss says she learned that one participant in the Zoom meeting with Cawthorn had set his connection so that Whatley could covertly listen in.

Ackiss states on the linked video that she believes Whatley  allowed Woodhouse to listen in on the meeting as well.  Ackiss said Woodhouse went as far as “live-tweeting” the closed-door meeting between Cherokee County party officials and Cawthorn.

Ackiss notes in the video that this particular episode unleashed the firestorm of negative publicity that led to Cawthorn losing his primary race to state senator Chuck Edwards.