Campaign 2024: Words trump Deeds

Which do you take more seriously: what someone says or what someone does?

Our lazy Raleigh-based drive-by media has clearly cast their votes for words.   *It’s soooooo much easier to search the Internet and screenshot Tweets and Facebook posts that may offend members of your favorite protected classes.* 

Republican candidates Michele Morrow and Mark Robinson are being raked over the coals regarding social media posts made in their name years ago. Calls for them to drop out of their races and resign are echoing across the Raleigh chattering class.

There appears to be little to no interest in showing forgiveness or giving a pass to either Robinson or Morrow for their *transgressions* via social media.  But how did WRAL’s Laura Leslie manage to get a pass? 

For those who don’t know, Leslie is in the middle of all the station’s political coverage. She’s got a lot of say in what the station’s newscasts say about politicians and their parties.

In 2016, we got our hands on a lot of screenshots of Leslie’s Facebook rants.  Here’s WRAL’s *objective observer* blaming mass murder in a Florida gay night club on Christian conservatives who backed HB2 (aka “the bathroom bill”).

(Never mind that the actual perpetrator of the shooting’s father showed up a short time later in the VIP section at a Hillary Clinton campaign event.  Never mind that the shooter had pledged his allegiance to ISIS. That’s all just *inconvenient.*) 

Ms. Leslie disappeared from the airwaves for a few days after our exposé.  She zoomed back onto the air with nary an apology and resumed her snarling and growling.

WRAL gave Laura Leslie a pass.  They apparently forgave her for insulting a large chunk of their viewers.  Why not show the same mercy to Morrow or Robinson?  Why no apology to the Christian folks — who appreciate men staying in their own locker rooms and restrooms — slandered by her Facebook handiwork?

I’ll tell you why.  Christians are the only fair game out there.  We don’t riot like other groups are often quick to do. Forgiveness is also a big part of our faith.

We’re hearing a lot about what Morrow and Robinson posted.  Now, let’s hear a little about what some Democrat candidates have been DOING that has somehow gotten ignored by WRAL and friends.

Morrow’s Democrat opponent for DPI superintendent, Moe Green, ran the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation (ZSRF) for several years.  During his tenure, ZSRF funded all kinds of far-left radical groups that aided and abetted rioting, and vandalizing and burning of public and private property.

The Democrat candidate for labor commissioner, Braxton Winston, is also quite a piece of work. He’s actually taken to the streets to rumble with the police. Leslie & co. want to browbeat Morrow for being in DC on January 6.  Winston was in the middle of the 2016 Charlotte riots doing his thang. People got injured and killed.  Vehicles were damaged and hijacked.  Property got vandalized and damaged.

McClatchy – the owner of the Charlotte Observer and Raleigh N&O — celebrated the *retired rioter’s* subsequent election to the Charlotte City Council.  Morrow and Robinson must resign and disappear immediately. But Braxton and Green — according to our drive-bys — must be celebrated as heroes.