Jeter’s final campaign report: $$ for gas, ding dongs and soda; little to nothing for successor, colleagues

hostess_ding_dongIt hit the papers that Charles Jeter would be quitting the NC House on July 25.  Yet, instead of leaving something for his successor, sharing with his soon-to-be-former colleagues, or showing some respect for his donors, he continued to spend campaign funds on “travel snacks,” gas for “campaign travel” and, of course, consultants.

  • 7/25:  Jeter hit 7-Eleven for “travel / snacks”
  • 8/1: Paid out $3,500 for “fundraising consulting”
  • 8/8: $40 worth of gas and snacks from 7-Eleven
  • 9/15:  “travel/ snacks” from Shell in Mooresville
  • 8/1:  $3000 to Paul Shumaker for newsletters
  • 10/10:  $1000 to Rosebay Development for “internet & email service”
  •  9/15:  $5000 to Donny Lambeth campaign (only campaign donation listed; Lambeth had NO primary nor general election opposition in 2016)
  • 8/12:  $30 draft for “meals”
  • 7/25:   $31.44 draft for “Gas”

(The primary for NC House had taken place on June 7.)