(We got Mail!) State elections board staff caught lobbying FOR illegal aliens?





Kelly Tornow is the associate general counsel for the North Carolina State board of elections.  It looks like Jay DeLancy and the team at the Voter Integrity Project have outed her playing lobbyist.  Here’s DeLancy:


From: Jay Delancy [mailto:jay@voterintegrityproject.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 4:18 PM
Subject: SBoE lobbying SB250.

Good afternoon Speaker Moore.


 During today’s debate, a Democrat member referenced an email she received from the state board of elections on  problems the agency has with the bill.  After conferring with a Republican member, we can confirm that not all lawmakers received the SBOE email. We would respectfully request a copy of said communication from the state board of elections to any members on SB250. 


Thank you,


Jay DeLancy, Director
Voter Integrity Project


SB250 is entitled “Remove Foreign Citizens from Voting Rolls.”  Sounds reasonable, right?


Well, it looks like House Republicans were not all that excited about helping DeLancy and his crew.  Sooooooo — DeLancy doubled down:


From: Jay Delancy [mailto:jay@voterintegrityproject.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 4:18 PM
To: tim.moore@ncleg.net
Subject: SBoE lobbying SB250.


Good evening Speaker Moore.


We now have obtained a redacted copy of the email that suggests NCSBE Associate General Counsel, Kelly Tornow, may have sent (via BCC) to a select number of lawmakers on October 1, 2019 at 10:41 AM (see attached). Could you please have the I.T. staff determine which lawmakers received this email and get back to us with a report on their findings?




Jay DeLancy


Here is the Tornow email DeLancy is referencing.  It’s interesting to see the state board of elections — an agency supposed to be fair and bi-partisan — feeding talking points to Democrat legislators.



IF this wasn’t meant to be sneaky,  WHY was it bcc’ed to Democrats?