TVs on death row. Really? Seriously ???
Watch your wallets. The North Carolina General Assembly is back in town.
The state’s economy is in freefall. We’ve got an outrageously high gas tax. And what are the honorables focusing on? Getting TVs off of death row in state prisons.
Actually, having TVs on death row — given the state of current network offerings — can be considered quite a harsh punishment for those hardcore offenders. Almost as bad as the gas chamber or the big needle.
(Somebody must have a tough general election fight coming up. The shiny objects strategy lives on.)
Okay. You’ve got clear majorities in both houses. Knock some serious coin off of that gas tax rate. Make Lame Duck Bev veto it, right in front of a big election.
If Tillis, Berger & co. don’t use this opportunity to give us some kind of tax relief — they don’t deserve two more years in the majority.
Especially when you realize that TVs on death row and the cable service for them do not even come out of taxpayer funds. How about cutting the gas tax to 25cents and sales tax to 4%???