While MAGA cuts in DC, Raleigh is fattening up
Since 2017, we’ve been hearing talk from the General Assembly about revenue surpluses. Surpluses in revenue occur when they take too much money from us in April of each year.
Continue readingSince 2017, we’ve been hearing talk from the General Assembly about revenue surpluses. Surpluses in revenue occur when they take too much money from us in April of each year.
Continue readingWith Tim Moore and Jason Saine leaving the NC House for $$$greener$$ pastures, the stink in-and-around the Jones Street legislative complex should be lessened by about — oh — 11
Continue readingI’m old enough to remember when Republicans were a minority in the General Assembly and hollering to high heaven about corruption by the Democrat majority. (Boy, has the worm turned.)
Continue readingSeriously. WHO is surprised by another story about the tubby little guy from Kings Mountain using taxpayer-funded resources to benefit HIMSELF? (He’ll fit in sooooo well with those pikers in
Continue readingWe’ve been treated to a close up look at how bad humans can treat each other these past few weeks. We’ve heard about antisemitism. We’ve heard about racism. We’ve heard
Continue readingA lot of my libertarian friends get like kids on Christmas when talking about bitcoin. I agree with them on most things in the economics arena, but I’m going to
Continue readingThat’s a good question to ask your legislator the next time you see him or her. It’s also a good question to ask NC House speaker Tim Moore, who is
Continue readingOnce again, the ‘honorables’ in Raleigh get to decide WHO gets the, ahem, “honor” of their, um, “representation” for the next two years or so. So far, the proposed maps
Continue readingOnce again, it’s confirmed that weasels DO look out for each other. State Rep. Jason Saine — former Shoney’s spokesmodel and the speaker’s best-dressed henchman — spilled the beans on
Continue readingI’ve seen all kinds of shade-throwing, preening, and trash-talking from NCGOPe types over the party-switch bill(s) introduced by legislative Democrats in the wake of the Tricia Cotham defection. Yes, our
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