Ready to ditch RINO grifter Thom? Look to LA, IA, and TN for guidance.
Conservatives in Louisiana have set up a parallel support organization / PAC and have found a primary candidate – state treasurer and former congressman John Fleming – to challenge their incumbent RINO senator Bill Cassidy.
As you can see, Cassidy has a voting record slightly to the right of Thom Tillis.
Like Tillis, Cassidy was censured by his state’s Republican Party organization. ( FYI — Rand Paul scores an 86% conservative rating for the session, while Ted Cruz gets 90 percent. Utah’s Mike Lee scores 91 percent.)
Conservatives in Iowa are currently giving the stink-eye to their RINO US senator Joni Ernst, who has been freely and openly disparaging nominees being put forth by president-elect Donald Trump. (A lot like Thom. Though, he also threw in some cheap shots at Trump’s border wall plans too.)
Ernst is also super-thrilled with the idea of trannies serving in the military.
Work is apparently underway to identify a primary candidate and form an independent campaign organization.
In Tennessee, conservatives have already dealt with their own problematic RINO named Tillis. Now-former state Rep. Rick Tillis, brother to Thom.
An independent organization was put together and a suitable primary opponent was found. According to reports out of Tennessee, the whole move against Rick Tillis got started by someone peeing on Tillis’ desk chair at the Tennessee legislature.
So, what do all of these have in common? Incumbent RINOs despised by the conservatives they purport to represent. A solid, competent, credible challenger. And an organization for strategy and fundraising that does not depend on the state party at all.
That last one — we had that at one time. It was called The National Congressional Club. During its heyday, it was quite the political powerhouse. One of the two guys who founded it — Carter Wrenn — is still lurking around Raleigh and influencing a race here and there. It might be a wise thing to pick his brain and / or get him onboard before he heads off to ‘consultant heaven.’
For national support to a conservative challenge to Undocumented Democrat Tillis, the support of the Senate Conservatives Fund and the Club for Growth should also be sought. They raised a pile of money some years ago for a conservative challenge to Mitch McConnell, and they have been active in quite a few key Senate races to try to elect conservatives, with considerable success.
Tillis simply HAS to be thrown out. He has crapped in his mess kit and established such a liberal voted record that he would be shunned by many normally Republican voters. Tillis is unelectable. NEVER TILLIS.
Brant, you are right on the money with this post. The rank and file Republican has had it with being fed chicken and being told it’s chicken salad. “Bypass” organizations are being formed in multiple North Carolina counties. The process is already in full swing in your own county (Moore) where all four of the party endorsed candidates for school board lost (yet three Republicans — not endorsed) won anyway. It’s a new day in Moore County, thanks at least in part to David Hensley.
Take a look at the NCGOP Facebook page to see where their Golden Boy, John Steward, is gaslighting NCGOP’s failures in the last election. According to him, we didn’t win the governor’s race, but we didn’t have the governor’s seat before, so the Republicans didn’t lose anything. It’s unbelievable what they want us to swallow. It’s past time to clean house.
If we’re looking to get behind a solid conservative to oppose Tillis in the primary, what about Michael Speciale or Larry Pittman? From what I know of these two men, they were both strong, faithful conservatives during their service in the NC House.
Thank you for thinking of me along with Michael Speciale, Mr. Holmquist. To be mentioned in conjunction with my dear friend and closest ally in the NC House, Michael Speciale, is a real honor. I would eagerly support Michael for US Senate if he would run. As for me, I have been urged before to run against Tillis, and I would love to be the one to help cleanse the Senate by draining that portion of the swamp by doing that. However, I don’t really have any ambition to go to DC, I don’t believe I would have enough support, financial or otherwise, if I tried, and I don’t think I would be up to a Statewide campaign like that. For one thing, I don’t fly, which would be a major handicap. So, while it is a tempting idea, and I appreciate you thinking of me, I would say it would be better if we could persuade Michael Speciale to do it. God bless.
2026 is not likely to be a banner year for the GOP. Those mid term elections have a persistent way of going against the party of the incumbent president, so whoever the NC Republican candidate is for the U.S. Senate, he is going to face an uphill battle. Any candidate chosen to primary Tillis had better be very well known, very well funded, and free of skeletons in his closet, because even Tillis himself, with his advantage of incumbency, is likely to struggle in the general election (were he to prevail in the primary). It will be a tough year no matter what.
Agree. I see Coop sliding into this position IF he wants. Likely won’t be defeated and he knows it. Our ncgop ain’t gonna work against Coop (they’ve worked and supported him past 8Y). Same ncgop ALLOWED our COS and NC Supr Ct candidate, Jefferson, to lose and have NO remorse whatsoever.
The fact that Cooper and Stein have never been held accountable for their Covid tyranny, are getting a flipping pass on WNC and were robustly rewarded by our fellow citizens in November tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about the feckless, testicle-less, complicit, ABUSIVE NCGOP in Raleigh and DC.
Let’s hope we are all gearing up to take take back our state starting in January. And may the good, but behind the scenes for far too long, folks rise to help us.
and heading to lose Jefferson seat.
NCBOE MEMBER’S husband is atty for other side.
YET there will be NO recusal and ncgop will do or say nothing.
Do anyone else receive this text to give Thom a call?
“President Trump’s Cabinet nominees support policies to secure our border, lower the cost of living, and put America First. The Senate must act quickly to confirm President Trump’s Cabinet so his Make America Great Again agenda can be implemented. Call your Senator, Thom Tillis, and thank him for supporting President Trump and his Cabinet nominees: 202-224-6342.
Msg. sent for Carol by Jessica for Securing American Greatness Inc.
Paid for by Securing American Greatness Inc. | Reply “stop” to opt out.”
BOE 3-2 vote denied Jefferson quest for 60.,000 vote inspection.
Guess WHO controls BOE next 2Y?
Same for past 8Y
The ncgop SO CALLOUSLY lost the COS & cares less.
TAKE your county conventions, grassroots. THEN, take state conventions, grassroots.
Waiting on ncgop will always result in disappointment & inactivity!
Correction, 4Y
NC Supreme Court race: 1,193 more ballots counted than people voted, 734 winning margin.
THIS is a fact. Many irregularities.
ANY word from our election r officials? We just GIVE up the seat?
GRASSROOTS, we can’t wait any longer. 2026 is on the radar.
This is a fact.
The number of reported ballots counted, per the NCSBE’s official results, is 1,193 more than the number of the NCSBE’s voter history (participation) records.
In other words, the NCSBE can’t determine which registered voters cast 1,193 ballots.
These are ballots without voters.
Download the NCSBE’s voter history file for yourself, or find a trusted person who can.
In fact, the number of records on NCSBE’s history (participation) file never matches their official reported number of ballots cast for any election.
That’s the NC Election system under Dem control.
There’s NO guarantee it will be any better under the State Auditor’s control. We shall see.