#ncgop: Carolyn Justice, the — um — outsider ?

cjTHAT is what supporters of Carolyn Justice’s reelection effort for state GOP vice-chairman would have you believe.  Yes, the SAME woman who aided and abetted Richard Morgan’s tainted, evil alliance with Jim Black in 2003, and did media interviews lamenting how “Poor Richard” was being treated by conservatives, is claiming to be a grassroots warrior.  (Curtis Wright, Wilmington radio host, likely remembers a few of those media interviews.)

I head from a source who was spun recently by Justice and some of her campaign advisers:

“She told us that the backroom party boys told her, in no uncertain terms, that they were going to destroy her if she dared to run for chairman of the party.  They said vice-chairman was just fine with them.  But, in no certain terms, was she to run for the top job.  They had that already planned out. Carolyn said she went to McCrory and Burr and Tillis and they all seemed to back up that story. She’s talking like they think she’s too uncontrollable — too much of a loose cannon.  The party boys seem to think they can seriously control this Collins guy top-down.”

Justice was announced as part of a ticket with Gaston County’s Craig Collins some days ago.  Cabarrus County businessman Hassan Harnett is already campaigning for state party chairman.   There is a flurry of rumor and speculation that Sixth Congressional District GOP chairman A.J. Daoud will jump in the leadership race.  I am also hearing ONE MORE heavy-hitter name that should throw the establishment for a loop if they step forward.