#ncga: The Hamlet of Cherryville

FullSizeRenderThere’s an old saying about how when you find yourself in a hole you need to stop digging.  (It took a while for Renee Ellmers to grasp that with her late-term abortion fiasco.  I am betting it’s going to take a while with state Rep. Kelly Hastings.)

It’s the same story time and again.  Hastings gets on Facebook to moan about how mean people are to him about his decision-making at “the office” on Jones Street. Then, John Blust comes swooping in like a bird of prey to smack him down.  It’s like The Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote.  You know it’s going to end badly for him, but the coyote just keeps doing the same thing — chasing that bird. 

Let’s check out some of Thursday’s action on Hastings’s Facebook page: 11194489_10206888852006839_6059233769059783773_o


THAT post from Hastings brought a retort from a commenter who probably knows what the RFRA is:



Then, Nicole Revels — Senator Jeff Tarte’s worst nightmare — jumped into the fray:







Then,  John Blust — Roadrunner to Hastings’s coyote — shows up to drop a match in the gasoline:






And Ms. Revels came back through to bat cleanup. (I can see why Senator Tarte called security on her.  She’s tough!)
