#ncga: Is primary challenge to Boles being powered by the Po-Po?



It’s not clear whether we’re talking about a small minority of Moore County law enforcement officers  or a significant chunk.  But it is pretty clear that some active and retired lawmen in the county are awfully excited about Southern Pines police chief Bob Temme’s primary challenge to incumbent state Rep.  Jamie Boles (R).


 (It’s hard to miss the Temme campaign sign in front of the Moore County Law Enforcement Officers Association clubhouse. )


Jamie Boles has become widely respected across Moore County for his work as a funeral director at his chain of funeral homes across the area.





Boles was first elected to Jones Street in 2008 by defeating a Republican incumbent.   He has faced stiff Republican primary challenges —  basically the general election in Moore County politics —  during his last two go-arounds.  During his time in office,  Boles has been quite loyal to Speaker Tim Moore and Rules Committee Chairman David Lewis.  For his loyalty,  Boles has been rewarded with posts such as “Senior chairman”  of the Justice and Public Safety Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee.  


With a role like that,  one would think the lawman vote would be a cinch for Boles.  But I am hearing about some sort of policy disagreement / broken promise brouhaha that has led to this sticky political situation.


The primary will take place in March 2020.  The winner gets to face off against Democrat Lowell Simon.