#ncga: House leaders put anti-Folwell bill on fast track


As it turns out, the House Insurance committee will not get a crack at HB 184, a bill drafted by hospital lobbyists to hobble treasurer Dale Folwell’s efforts at transparency and cost-control with the state employees health plan. The bill got rammed through the House committee on Health on Tuesday by voice vote, and was initially intended to make its next stop at the Insurance Committee.


Now, the plan is to send it directly to the House Rules Committee, chaired by Rep. David Lewis —  Speaker Tim Moore’s top confidant and ally, and arguably the second most powerful member of the House.   If House leaders want something done, it WILL make it through the Rules Committee.

The word is that Rules will act on the bill this coming Monday.   After Rules, the  next stop is the House floor.


This is amazing.  We have the alleged conservative party cramming tax increases, increased insurance premiums, and $240 million to $600 million in added costs down the throats of taxpayers, state employees, and state retirees.  All in return for keeping that hospital PAC money flowing to the campaign funds.  (What a bunch of shameful, dirty whores.) 



You can keep kidding yourself.  But this is crystal clear evidence that “fiscal responsibility” and “spending constraint” are DEAD  among the elected class in the Republican Party.  It’s getting easier and easier to keep lying to the low-information majority among the electorate while bending over backwards to service the special interest lobbyists.